
Clinton keeps up anti-Trump push; he critiques her speech

Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. She played within herself, solid, but showing flashes of her wicked humor at times.


“I just beat 16 people and am beating her!” he tweeted in reference to the Republicans he defeated to clinch the nomination. We have the most tolerant and generous young people we’ve ever had. Many of these voters find appeal in Trump’s economic populism, opposition to free trade and vows to tighten the border and round up immigrants in the country illegally. The coverage of Clinton’s speech, even by the mostly sympathetic news media, told you that there was really nothing new to see here. That fell short of the 32.2 million people who watched Trump speak to the Republicans a week before. She offers two things: an agenda-as opposed to a message-and a demeanor. I’m more impressed with the latter than with the former. Clinton reprised themes from her Thursday night acceptance speech. The examples were non-stop admirable-to a point.

Hillary Clinton is now officially in the history books. “What was awesome to me is when she was talking about Bernie last night, the camera was on him and he was angry. We have to decide whether we all will work together so we all can rise together”. “I’m telling you that we’ve made progress”.

That invocation was also a reach across the partisan aisle to disaffected Republicans, alarmed by Trump’s takeover of the GOP. She quipped that “he’s taken the Republican Party a long way: from “Morning in America” to ‘Midnight in America.'” Trump’s megalomaniacal declaration that “I alone can fix it” was slung around his neck as Clinton framed it as fundamentally alien to the American tradition.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that every election is important in its own way, but I can’t think of an election that was more important in my lifetime”, the Democrat told thousands of supporters in the first stop of a three-day bus tour through the Rust Belt battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Two-thirds of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, polls show, and under normal circumstances, that means an election that favors the opposing party.

Announcer: “It’s what’s wrong with politics today”. He slammed the former secretary of state as an ineffectual defender against terrorism and blasted her judgment. Clinton has that-metaphorically, of course. And you know what?

Overnight ratings for Clinton’s speech closely track the overnights for Trump’s speech one week earlier. And we’re not going to get grand, transformative plans.

“What we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican and it sure wasn’t conservative”. Against a backdrop of barbaric violence executed by ISIS, a grinding war and refugee crisis spilling from Syria, a morphing threat radiating from Russian Federation, and a nuclear-armed sadist running North Korea, the orange-haired, thin-skinned, wild-eyed bull elephant in the room is Donald Trump.


Another one complained that there “there’s nothing Democratic about this!”

SWEET DREAMS? Bill Clinton appeared to doze off during Hillary's acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention ¿ and Donald Trump mocked him a day later on Instagram