
Clinton launches ad using quotes of Trump praising her

“I personally hate – I mean hate – all of the negativity”, Pickle said.


New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley issued a statement Wednesday calling Baldasaro’s remarks “disgusting, offensive and frighteningly commonplace in the party of Trump”. “But yet because she’s a Clinton, they turn their back and it’s a disgrace”.

Convention speakers have “prosecuted” Clinton at a mock trial, accused her of being a serial liar and even linked her to the Devil himself.

Senate GOP Leader John Flanagan, who earlier in the week expressed reservations about some of Trump’s foreign policy initiatives, like building a wall on the Mexican border, offered his strongest support yet in a speech before the NY delegation on Thursday morning.

“We’re going to present the facts to you, as a jury of her peers, both in this hall and in the living rooms around our nation”, Christie said Tuesday. In a fundraising pitch to donors, her campaign said the GOP convention had “felt like a dark turning point in American politics”.

For a second night in a row, delegates on the floor of the convention chanted the phrase, directed toward presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who they say should face charges for setting up a private email server for official state business. You can get through four days of it with a little help from the mute button, but four more years of it?

“I like people that come out and say what they are thinking”. Anti-Clinton rhetoric has been harsh, and delegates hope the convention ends Thursday with more emphasis on the positive aspects of electing a Republican. “If you’re the commander in chief or you’re the secretary of state, you’re dealing with the military”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last month forgave more than $47 million in loans he made to his own campaign committee, according to a report filed Wednesday to the Federal Election Commission.

“We all want a woman for president, but not Hillary, not this fall”, Lucchese said.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


“Strength, boldness and new energy are not words that describe Hillary Clinton”, said Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, establishing the evening’s theme early in the program.

Al Baldasaro said Hillary Clinton should be executed for'treason over her email scandal