
Clinton launches full scale attack against Trump

Clinton, who on Tuesday won NY by 16 percentage points, leads Sanders 57% to 32% among likely Democratic primary voters, the poll finds.


Both Clinton and Trump have homed in on one another in recent days in anticipation of a possible general election match-up.

However, as per Fox News, the two are tied in a close race in California.

“The people in state after state have made it clear, they cry out for a new path”, Cruz said. The Republican Party establishment is trying to find ways to trip Trump, but they are handicapped by the dislike for even second-placed Cruz. On the republican side all look strong for Donald Trump. In that case, most delegates are bound to vote for a certain candidate on the first ballot – except those from Pennsylvania, making the state’s delegation a major player at the convention. But Sanders isn’t throwing in the towel yet. Bernie Sanders to step aside and allow the party to heal and unite under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Weaver says that he projects the Bernie Sanders campaign to continue picking up pledged delegates, although he pointed out that the party should try to win the vote of superdelegates.

The Vermont senator was banking on an upset against Clinton, 68, in the Big Apple to gain momentum in the final stretch of the primary season. Sanders also has an advantage when it comes to favorable versus. unfavorable ratings, with 73 percent seeing him favorably compared to 18 percent that consider him unfavorable, whereas Clinton has a 68 to 28 percent favorable versus unfavorable score.

“We need to go on and keep winning and that gets us to delegates”, Lewandowski concluded. Trump said that he fully expects Clinton’s surrogates to “be very tough with me, I’ve read they’re doing all kinds of opposition research”.

How many delegates does Donald Trump, others have?

The memo also touched on Trump’s rival, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who is behind Trump in delegate numbers. The races in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island will be the last before May.


It’s hard to tell whether all this bluster from the Sanders campaign about fighting to flip super delegates through the convention is serious, or just a way to motivate supporters to keep the faith.

Pennsylvania GOP presidential delegate chase adds to mystery