
Clinton Leads By 6 Points According to Latest Reuters/Ipsos Survey

“The violence, riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is an assault on the right of citizens to live in security and to live in peace”, said Trump at the rally, held at the Ziegler Building at the Washington County Fair Park & Conference Center in West Bend, Wisconsin.


“We want to see the records the night of Benghazi that explain why Secretary Clinton didn’t send in reinforcements as soon as the attack had begun”, he said of the 2012 assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador.

At a campaign event in CT over the weekend, Trump said he’s not running against Hillary Clinton, but rather, “I’m running against the crooked media”.

Clinton’s candidacy was buoyed in the Democratic primary in part by winning the support of a majority of African-American voters, and campaign on issues of racial equality, social justice and addressing systematic racism.

The businessman would eliminate the estate tax which is now applied to estates worth more than $10.9 million for married couples.

Donald Trump’s strong anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant ideas have led to the divisions in his party.

John Marshall High School, originally built in 1932, was torn down and replaced by a $47 million building that opened past year.

CLINTON: She has proposed several tax increases on wealthier Americans, including a 4 percent surcharge on incomes above $5 million, effectively creating a new top bracket of 43.6 percent.

TRUMP: Would reduce the seven tax brackets in current law to just three, at 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. At that amount – and with their other taxes unchanged – their effective federal tax rate would have been about 17.6 percent.

TRUMP: Managers for private equity firms and hedge funds can classify their investment profits as “carried interest” and pay capital gains taxes on their income.

Trump’s business-tax rate proposal “does cut their tax dramatically”, said Norman Solomon, a retired accountant in La Jolla, California. Taxpayers in the top tax bracket, like her and her husband, now get roughly 39.6 cents of tax relief for every dollar’s worth of their deductions – subject to certain limits. The survey had 41 percent Republican respondents, 35 percent Democratic respondents, and 24 percent saying independent or other. She would also place an “exit tax” on companies that leave the USA while still keeping earnings overseas that haven’t been subject to US tax.

Over the course of their careers, the Clintons have published all of their tax returns since 1977.

TRUMP: Would allow taxpayers to deduct child care costs from Social Security and Medicare taxes.


“He’s got to wrestle in his own heart, how does he communicate who he is, what he believes, the change he thinks he can bring to America, why what he’s doing is fulfilling the desires of the American people”, Sessions said on ABC’s “This Week”.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks in Youngstown Ohio Monday Aug. 15 2016