
Clinton leads Trump by 12 points in Reuters/Ipsos poll

Monmouth’s poll of Missouri voters likely to cast ballots in November’s presidential election shows the Republican presidential nominee holding a 1 point lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton. In June 2009, Joyce Aboussie, a St. Louis-based foundation contributor, seemed frustrated in her attempts to arrange a meeting between Clinton and an energy executive.


On Monday, Bill Clinton said in a statement that if his wife were to win, he would step down from the foundation’s board and stop all fundraising for it. Clinton would be the second oldest after Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s age made that election a turning point for how much personal medical data a candidate should turn over to the public.

In the weeks after the injury, Clinton would be hospitalized and prescribed blood thinners to dissolve a blood clot located in a vein behind her right ear. There were rumors that Clinton had suffered a concussion, and even Rudy Giuliani claimed that she looked sick.

“My emails are so boring”, she said.

A letter from Trump’s physician was even shorter.

‘But again, ‘ Priebus added, ‘go back to what he said: He wants to be fair, he wants to be tough, but he also wants to be humane’.

The continued trickle of disclosures virtually ensures Mrs Clinton’s private e-mail use as the top USA diplomat and her family foundation’s ties will dog her until the Nov 8 election.

Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump are historically unpopular.

“Her people have been trying to pin it on me”.

The 154 did not include USA federal employees or foreign government representatives.

Clinton has been leading over Trump all throughout the 2016 campaign and a significant increase on the lead came after the Democratic and Republican conventions held last month.

Clinton spokesman Robby Mook said the foundation will not shut down because of its lifesaving work, and he did not see it hurting Clinton’s lead in polls.

The lack of information is giving credence to conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health in particular.

But despite of the higher percentage points that the major candidates earned from such polls both of them are still struggling to convince the American voters to support them since a separate survey revealed that neither of them are considered as a favorable choice among Americans and about two-thirds of the adult population in the U.S. strongly believes that the entire country is not taking the right track. When Trump’s letter was released last year, he first said it was from a Dr. Jacob Bornstein, a physician who had died five years earlier; the actual author was that doctor’s son.

Both candidates would be assessed by the same two doctors and evaluated for their mental status, long-term mental health prognosis, cardiovascular condition, existence of pathologies and a thorough family history to offer insight into diseases that could develop while in office. Material evidence is mounting that she will have ethics challenges if elected president, The Associate Press reported.


There’d be fighting about which doctors would be tasked with this important job. The public deserves to know the health status of the next commander in chief.

Democratic presidential nominee Clinton greets her daughter Chelsea Clinton as she arrives to accept the nomination on the fourth and final night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia