
Clinton leads Trump by 8 percent in latest national poll

Senior aides and supporters said the NY businessman, making his first run at public office, wanted to put behind him his disputes with Republican Party leaders and the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq.


Trump may have done irreversible damage in two critical states, Arizona and OH, with an approach to immigration reform that some say is divisive, two fellow Republicans say. I now say that early August is probably the peak of Hillary Clinton’s historic effort to become the first woman president of the United States. The answers to our current challenges lie in unity, and not division.”.

The survey shows the damage of Trump’s criticism of the Khan family – the parents of a USA soldier killed in combat who blasted Trump at the Democratic National Convention.

Vice President Joe Biden seems to be taking a swipe at Donald Trump for the candidate’s recent remark that he “always wanted to get the Purple Heart”.

These include urging Russian Federation to find and release emails that disappeared from Clinton’s private server that she used as secretary of state, though he later said that he was being sarcastic.

Donald Trump is focusing his economic message on boosting jobs and making America more competitive globally by cutting business taxes, reducing regulations and increasing domestic energy production.

Trump said he wants to simplify the tax code, which now has seven tax brackets, to three: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent of income after deductions.

Clinton is favored by 47 percent of likely general election voters in the battleground state, and Trump has the support of 37 percent of respondents, according to the poll conducted for ABC27 News.

The Detroit speech was Trump’s first on the economy since announcing a 13-man team of economic advisers last week, which held its first conference call on Sunday. Donors were expected to contribute $2,700 or more to attend the gatherings, one of which was at the home of Bill Koch, brother of Charles and David Koch, wealthy long-time donors to Republican causes who have refused to endorse Trump.

Landslide wins of a dozen percentage points or more just aren’t probable in our modern polarized politics, even if you nominate the least qualified candidate in American history.

A much smaller group of Trump supporters gathered nearby.

To reduce the growing rift in the GOP, Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sens.

In the state-by-state discussion so far this general election season, most of the talk has been about the states Donald Trump could win-Pennsylvania, maybe, with at least a 50/50 shot at OH and Florida.


One at a time, women seated throughout the audience stood up and yelled “Mr. Trump”, but their continued shouts were quickly drowned out by boos as security led them from the room. And another poll by Fox News showed Clinton with a 10-point lead. Clinton is now given a 55.3 percent chance of winning the state and Trump is given 44.7 percent chance, according to FiveThirtyEight forecasts.

Donald Trump closeup Iowa