
Clinton looking to solidify lead in Super Tuesday primaries

Meanwhile, Sanders entered the contest with an uphill climb, as most of Minnesota’s so-called superdelegates – party bigwigs and elected officials who cast convention votes regardless of the caucus outcome – had already pledged their support to Clinton. Nearly 6-in-10 have a negative view of Trump, 59 percent with 38 percent favorable, and 53 percent have a negative view of Clinton, 44 percent see her positively.


His campaign is also planning a major push in MI, where Clinton and Sanders will attend a debate on Sunday in Flint and then compete in the state’s primary two days later. “We believe that we can make that up between now and June”.

On the Democratic side, Clinton took advantage of her strong performance with black voters to cruise to big wins in several Southern states, where blacks make up a big bloc of the Democratic electorate.

Jim Schlosser, a resident of Ward 5 and a member of Vermont’s Progressive Party, cast his vote for Bernie Sanders around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.

1,460 delegates are available for the twelve states that are voting today, 595 of which are Republicans, leaving 865 in the Democrat Party.

Later in the night, Sanders was also projected to defeat Clinton in Oklahoma. Sanders, by contrast, had led among all voters under age 45 in the first three contests of the year, in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

With almost 95 percent of precincts reporting, unofficial totals had Trump with about 49 percent of votes compared to 18 percent for John Kasich, who was just ahead of Marco Rubio, also with about 18 percent.

Luis Heredia, an Arizona superdelegate for Clinton, said he has received over 30 phone calls, emails and instant messages from Sanders supporters. Now party leaders are divided between those who pledge to fall in line behind Trump if he wins their party’s nomination and others who insist they can never back him.

Trump won the backing of Republican voters across the board in the MA primary while Democratic voters were divided, reflecting the tight contest between Clinton and Sanders, according to exit polls.

He’s likely to blow out the competition in Massachusetts, Tennessee and Alabama, polls there show. But another such possible Sanders state, Oklahoma, is worth only 38 and Sanders’ home state of Vermont is worth 16. He lost to Clinton in MA, another state he was hoping to win.

Kaminski, the superdelegate, has thrown his support to Clinton, saying she’s done more to advance the party. Sanders fares better than Clinton in each match-up among men, younger voters and independents. And you know what they say about men with small hands?

If Sanders has such a strong Super Tuesday that Clinton can’t comfortably count on the nomination, the reason Berman has looked to March 15 as an outside date is because that date includes big states where Clinton has been expected to do well-including Florida and Ohio.


“What the political revolution is about is bringing our people together: black and white, latino, Asian-American, gay and straight, people born in America, people who have immigrated to America”, Sanders continued, urging voters to “not allow the Donald Trumps of the world to divide us up”.

Hillary Clinton tells workers Friday at Detroit Manufacturing Systems that presidential candidates owe them “real ideas.&#8221