
Clinton Makes Plea For Tougher Gun Laws

Clinton maintains that her plan is supported by gun owners.


“We’ve seen women in our armed forces prove their heroism”, said Clinton.

“They seem more interested in seeing who can say the most offensive and insulting comments. Guns flow across state lines, and they victimize innocent people as a result”, Blumenthal said.

When voters are asked whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of candidates, Sanders is viewed more favorably than Clinton, Trump, Carson Rubio or Cruz, according to the independent pollster. “He shouted down and demanded Jorge Ramos stop doing his job”. It was her fourth visit to the coveted swing state.

Three women mentioned have previously claimed that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them in some way.

And she went after Scott on a range of issues, from refusing to expand the Medicaid health insurance program for the poor to rejecting federal funding for high-speed rail.

“Donald Trump has made racism and hatred the hallmarks of his campaign”, the former first lady and secretary of state said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a town hall style meeting in the gymnasium at the McConnell Center Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015, in Dover, N.H.

About 22 minutes into her 25-minute speech on Wednesday, Clinton mentioned Florida’s Democratic primary. So don’t just come tonight. “Make sure you are registered to vote”.

Authorities need to finish their investigation, Clinton said, but she added that the situation “raises serious questions” about how Americans should be protected and how to ensure that the USA has the best possible intelligence.

Except March 1, 2016 is the date of Super Tuesday, which Florida doesn’t participate in.

The candidate said her economic strategy would focus on improving public infrastructure, making college more affordable and investing in clean energy, among other proposals.

Mr. Sanders and Ms. Clinton would both defeat Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio by one point. “It’s because Florida is so much a symbol of America – diverse, dynamic, optimistic. Some are even starting to call central Florida Puerto Rico’s 79th municipality”. Florida’s primary will be held on March 15.


“These new Benghazi emails are disturbing and show why Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration had to be forced to disclose them”, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a release to Newsmax.
