
Clinton offers forceful defense on Benghazi, emails

“They’ll try to tell you it’s about Benghazi, yet it’s not”, Clinton stated, pointing to Republican-led congressional inquiries in that she stated had “debunked all the conspiracy theories”.


Sanders’ foremost progressive challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination – made the observation Thursday at the Iowa State Fair. “Once they get on stage, we’re going to make an attempt to walk up and ask for permission to get on stage”, Wilson said.

Iowa Democrats packed a historic Rock and Roll ballroom in Clear Lake tonight, as four of the party’s presidential candidates faced off at a sold-out forum.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour during a CNN Town Hall.

At the fundraiser, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for being an independent. He also touted his record as governor of Maryland and his relative youth compared to Clinton and Sanders as distinguishing factors in the race.

It was a lesson in how delivery can supersede content. In fact her policy is drastically less dramatic than that of Senator Sanders, who wants to end tuition feels for public universities across America. She was wearing an O’Malley sticker, though she said she’s still making up her mind. “So I don’t care how many super PACs and Republicans pile on. I’ve been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life and I’m not going to start now”, Clinton said, to cheers.

Clinton also offered a light take on the email probe when she talked about launching a Snapchat social media account. “…I agree with everything he says”.

Her speech included sharp critiques of potential Republican rivals Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. She didn’t hesitate throwing several GOP candidates under the bus, even calling Donald trump a “circus”. “That’s the fight we’re in”, Clinton said during her speech. “She comforted us”, Brighton said.

Ann Arbor got its first presidential campaign visit of the 2016 election Wednesday with a fundraiser by Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley at the Arbor Brewing Company.

Lincoln Chaffee and Martin O’Malley also took the stage Friday night. “And I’m one of these people that feel a woman gets to decide what to do with her own body”. O’Malley told the Detroit News. It’s everything you and I believe in. Democratic candidate Jim Webb did not participate in the forum, which organizers said was attended by 2,100 people. Tom Harkin, a party luminary who served three decades in the Senate, and the worldwide Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, a union of almost 600,000 members.


DES MOINES | He scored points with his calls for progressive action, then ran up the score by adding an Iowa-centric shot.

New details about classified content in Clinton's emails