
Clinton Outlines Economic Agenda Today in Warren

Bill and Hillary Clinton made $10,594,529 in adjusted gross income in 2015, according to tax returns released by the campaign Friday.


Tim Kaine and wife Anne Holton, also released 10 years of their own tax returns.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday released her 2015 tax return, adding to a large stack of tax documents she’s already made public.

“Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises”, said Jennifer Palmieri, communications director for the Clinton campaign.

Before today Clinton had released eight years of tax returns last July, three months into her presidential bid. In addition, tax returns are publicly available for the years Bill Clinton was president. He has repeatedly refused to do so, because, he says, he is now being audited by Internal Revenue Service. At his own economic speech, Trump presented himself as a stark contrast to Clinton in terms of the economy and unveiled plans to simplify the tax system and rethink America’s energy policy and trade deals.

“Your move”, Clinton campaign aide Ian Sams said on Twitter, linking to the Democratic nominee’s returns.

Trump, a NY real estate developer, has refused to release his tax returns and said he was unlikely to do so before the November 8 presidential election. There are many reasons why Donald Trump won’t release his tax returns, but the common thread through them all is that his tax returns will reveal that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is built on a mountain of lies. He said on Thursday that her speeches are short and then she goes back home to sleep.

Federal tax rates have become an issue in the presidential election.

The Clintons made $10.7 million in total income, but reported an adjusted gross income of $10.6 million due to a self-employment tax deduction.

President Obama carried Florida, Virginia and Colorado in both 2008 and 2012. But his remarks were quickly eclipsed by the latest in a series of controversial statements which Trump has spent much of past two weeks trying to clarify. Buffet said that he too was under IRS audit and Trump is “afraid” not of the tax-collection agency but of voters.


The Clintons’ main sources of income were Bill Clinton’s paid speeches, to the tune of 5.2 million United States dollars, and a payment to Hillary Clinton from the publisher of her last book, Simon & Schuster, for 3 million United States dollars. The documents showed that the Clintons reported earning $28.3 million in 2014 – more than double than in 2015 – and a total of more than $140 million between 2007 and 2014.

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