
Clinton Postpones Obama Event, Citing Orlando Shooting

Trump’s comments came after it was revealed the shooter, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, called 911 about 20 minutes into his rampage and referenced the Islamic State.


Clinton, in a phone interview Monday, told NBC “Today” that she has a plan to defend the nation from “lone wolf” attacks.

Mr Trump has faced widespread condemnation for this stance from both Ms Clinton and numerous Republicans, but, as he did again Sunday, he has said such vigilance was necessary and that the country “can’t afford to be politically correct”. “Must be tough”, Trump wrote on Twitter.

Seeking to steal the momentum from the Clinton campaign, the Republican presumptive nominee ditched plans to make a speech castigating the former first lady and husband Bill Clinton on Monday. He canceled a rally planned for Monday night in nearby Portsmouth.

He didn’t talk about religious extremists, nor did others, reluctant to inflame a stunned nation already on edge about attacks inspired by the Islamic State group.

Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States as a way to combat the threat of radical Islamist attacks.

“Generally speaking, a platform is a piece of paper tucked away in some kind of drawer, but I do not want that to be the case nor do millions of people who voted for real change want that to be the case”, Sanders said on CBS. As Trump’s tweets suggest, he and other Republicans will use this tragedy to raise questions about the experience and long record that is a pillar of her campaign.

“In contrast, Donald Trump put out political attacks, weak platitudes and self-congratulations”, Palmieri said.

According to Quinnipiac, voters see Clinton as far more prepared than Trump to handle an worldwide crisis – but they see Trump as better able to tackle the ISIS threat.

Trump re-visited the proposal on Sunday after at least 50 people died in the attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Clinton called the war against radical Islamic terror a “complex challenge”, contrasting her approach with Trump’s rhetoric. The Clinton campaign has also mapped out her travel for the week of June 20, including stops in Hampton Roads, Virginia; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Columbus, Ohio. She is expected to address the Orlando tragedy then.

Clinton leads Trump in most head-to-head matchups, but “things can happen in the final weeks and months before the election”, explained Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute.

“The problem is we have thousands of people right now in our country. But maybe there is the allure of a strongman”. On Monday, she said “it matters what we do more than what we say”.

She has reminded voters she urged Obama to authorize the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Donald Trump seized on the worst shooting in US history to call for a more muscular response to Islamic terrorism – and later noted he’d been congratulated “for being right”.


New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who is headlining the Libertarian Party ticket, called for letting the investigation play out: “We must allow the authorities to do their jobs, understand how this attack came about, and then respond accordingly”, he said in a statement.

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