
Clinton promises to take on gun violence at Iowa visit

Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, it’s a chance to chip away at her support, maybe pry a few voters loose ahead of the state’s first-in-the-South primary February 27.


The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation conceded misreporting millions of dollars donated by governments in 2012 and 2013.

Likely Democratic voters in South Carolina overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee to become the 45th president, the latest Winthrop Poll suggests.

Clinton’s lead has gone up slightly from October when she scored 58 percent of voters compared to Sanders’ 33 percent.

“In South Carolina, republicans hold every state wide office, so the South Carolina democratic party has been rebuilding, and this is part of it, it’s bringing a lot of attention for the democratic party and I think they’re hoping it’s going to be a springboard”, Huffmon said.

Hillary Clinton takes shots at America’s gun obsession in new presidential campaign ad debuting Tuesday, showing her calling for vast improvements in nationwide background checks.

Even Clinton, who initially had a large advantage among black voters – carrying 80 percent favorability among black adults in an August Gallup survey – has begun to decline in this category nationally.

Two percent of respondents said U.S. Sen. That is up from three years ago, when 68 percent who said the right protected by the Second Amendment is important, and 49 percent said it was “very important”, Rasmussen noted.

When asked if respondents thought Clinton could win the general election, 87 percent said yes. Subgroups have higher margins of error. That’s the definition of police state, and if one compares the numbers, it could appear that Democrats and liberals lean in that direction. Bernie Sanders in a recent poll, debuted a video this week espousing her stand for increased gun regulations. “She and the Clinton machine seem like old news to a lot of millennial”.

President Barack Obama is still popular among South Carolina Democrats, with 90 percent giving him a “favorable” rating. Then again, the younger a voter demographic skews, the more likely that demographic will eschew Republican candidates.

As for easiest to beat after Trump were Jeb Bush, 10%, while 16% weren’t sure.


In several questions posed in the poll about O’Malley on questions regarding the candidate’s honesty, favorability and capability, over half the voters polled selected “Not Familiar” or “Not Sure”.

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