
Clinton proposes new ‘exit tax’ on corporate inversions

“My plan will help spur reinvestment in communities … that have lost jobs because of factory closures”, Clinton said in a statement.


“Revitalizing our manufacturing communities and bringing back good jobs in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia must be a priority”, said Rep. David Scott, D-Atlanta, who praised Clinton’s tax cut package. They spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of the official campaign announcement.

“Hillary Clinton’s proposal to help protect communities like ours and encourage new industry to take root, is exactly the kind of thinking we need in our next generation of leaders”.

Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, made at least $35 million by giving speeches to financial services, real estate, and insurance companies after leaving the White House in 2001, an Associated Press analysis shows.

“Republicans may have chose to forget about the financial crisis that caused so much devastation – but I haven’t, ” she wrote.

Hillary Clinton previewed a slew of ideas “to rein in Wall Street” on Monday, including fines for executives whose companies break the law and an “exit tax” on companies moving overseas.

Secretary Clinton is right to fight back against Republicans trying to sneak Wall Street giveaways into the must-pass… The purchase – an example of a huge inversion deal – would create the world’s largest drugmaker and shift Pfizer’s headquarters to Ireland.

Clinton would levy a new “exit tax” on companies entering into these deals.

Pfizer expects the deal will lower its tax rate to between 17% to 18% from the 25% it says it pays now.

The plan, Sperling said, would be paid for largely by the estimated billions of dollars that will be raised through closing tax avoidance loopholes some US companies take advantage of.


Clinton was outlining her manufacturing proposal on Tuesday in New Hampshire, and will discuss ways to discourage so-called corporate “inversions” during stops on Wednesday in Iowa. Her campaign says the “Manufacturing Renaissance Tax Credit” would allow tax relief for localities facing layoffs or the loss of a manufacturing plant. The Obama administration has proposed raising that threshold to more than 50 percent. In addition, her plan would double funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership-a public-private program providing federal support to small and mid-sized American manufacturers. Clinton also said she’d “fight to reinstate the rules governing risky credit swaps and derivatives at taxpayer-backed banks”, which Congress rolled back in a spending package passed past year in the face of Warren’s impassioned opposition.

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