
Clinton pulls ahead of Trump after convention

The Democratic nominee appears to have received a notable bounce after her party’s nominating convention, with a new survey out Monday showing her leading Donald Trump by seven percentage points.


In the CBS poll, Clinton gained with Democrats who had been undecided before the convention, but she didn’t seem to woo voters who had previously supported Trump.

After the Republican convention, prior to the Democratic one, Trump got a two-point bump and the race was tied, CBS said. It would also dictate that the anti-bigot candidate – Mrs. Clinton – be forced to limit her spending against the bigot.

CBS also said its latest survey shows that voters continue to hold unfavorable views of both Clinton and Trump, although both of their standings were somewhat improved after their respective conventions.

Clinton’s favorability ratings have gone up slightly since the Democratic convention.

The former secretary of State has the support of 46% of registered voters, compared to 39% for Trump. Before the convention, two-thirds of Sanders supporters said they’d back Clinton.

As a comparison, 58 percent of Americans gave a good or excellent rating to Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in 2008, while 44 percent gave good marks to Hillary Clinton’s speech this year, with just 20 percent saying it was poor or bad. Overall, 34% say they consider Clinton honest and trustworthy, up from 30% after the GOP convention but exactly where that figure was in a poll conducted before either convention happened. Three percent chose “other”.

Some of the post-DNC boost can probably be attributed to Bernie Sanders supporters coming over to Clinton’s side.

CNN found “a majority of Clinton’s backers now say their vote is more to show support for her than to oppose Trump, a sharp shift since early May”. The margin of error is 3 percent. Those viewing the Democratic nominee in a positive light rose from 31 to 36 percent, while those with a negative view of Clinton were at 50 percent, down from 56 percent.


The poll of 1,008 adults was conducted June 23-27 – before the political conventions.

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