
Clinton rallies with female Senate Democrats _ except Warren

Less than two weeks after the Benghazi attacks Clinton’s aides sent her a full summary of what she’d publicly said, emphasizing that she hadn’t repeated assertions others in the administration made about its links to protests over a controversial anti-Muslim film. Nooyi talked twice with Clinton by phone in 2012, a year when PepsiCo spent $3.3 million on lobbying, including talks with State Department officials.


Separately, the intelligence community’s inspector general flagged another set of emails they believed contained information that should be considered classified based on the State Department’s own criteria, but left it up to the State Department to make that final determination.

The State Department turned the Clinton calendars over to the AP under the federal Freedom of Information Act last month after censoring many meeting entries for privacy reasons or to protect internal deliberations.

On Nov. 5, 2009, Clinton emailed an aide to ask for a correction after an article indicated how much she outspent a Republican opponent by during her Senate campaign nine years earlier.

Despite signing a letter that urged Clinton to run for president in 2013, Warren has so far declined to officially endorse her campaign. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), in an exchange that was replayed endlessly on cable news.

“Some candidates may be running to make a point”, Clinton told New Hampshire Democrats, in a veiled criticism of Sanders.

Clinton said she could not “conceive of any circumstances” in which she would agree to ground combat troops.

“Speaking of your cracked head, I reached out to both the Nfl commish (I remembered that his dad held your Senate seat) and Bill Frist”, Reines wrote. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article. The subject line was just one word: “Koch”.

“Give Me A Break”. When you mix the investment bank and the shadow economy with the commercial bank, that’s a real complicated thing. Her staff moved quickly to tamp down the speculation. “They need to form even a loose confederation to try to push ISIS literally into the sea before they get a stronghold”.

Philippe Reines wrote Clinton on September 6, seeking approval of a photo he planned to release to the media. In fact you were careful in your first statement to say we were assessing motive and method. “The way you treated the video in the Libya context was to say that some sought to *justify* the attack on that basis”.

Almost 7,800 pages’ worth of e-mails were released Monday night as part of an ongoing investigation into whether the presidential front-runner received and sent classified information through an unsecured private server during her time as secretary of state. The email was addressed to an account under the name “Diane Reynolds”, an alias Chelsea Clinton used for personal messages.

Hillary Clinton released an ad this morning featuring girls saying there have been too many boys in the White House.


“I worked really hard to get more jobs for Americans, and that meant representing big business and small business and everybody in between”, Clinton added. She also said it was unclear how many other kinds of U.S. military personnel, such as special operations forces and trainers, were needed. “If you have Comcast, it’s channel 339 or 340 (one is HD and one isn’t)”.

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