
Clinton ready to sell herself in biggest political moment

Perhaps her most high-profile moment came in 1998, when, at age 18 and during the height of her parents’ marital troubles, the three were photographed walking together, with Chelsea Clinton holding both parents’ hands.


So maybe her glass-breaking entrance was just a little late. “He did everything in opposition to Black Lives Matter and the things that animate the existence of the Democrat Party today”, Mr. Limbaugh said.

“I believe she was the force behind him”.

Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk told the Wisconsin delegation Thursday morning that she had experienced some of the same “skepticism” running as the first female county executive, and in her run for governor.

He summarized the theme of a night created to encourage Americans to take another look at his wife and to pay attention to the stories told by people who know her. She also was already a seasoned political offspring, schooled since she was 6 in the ways of campaigns.

On the campaign trail, Chelsea appears at ease in front of large crowds, appearing as a lead surrogate for her mother.

“I really felt along with my friends that she was going to be a true leader and that she could definitely be president of the United States”, the 50-year-old Acosta says.

“This has to be the worst accompanying photo choice in S-R history and an insult to every woman in the region”.

Bill Clinton’s occasionally touching, occasionally effective, occasionally rambling speech in tribute to his party’s nominee was something entirely new and revolutionary. “But for this time, Hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunity and reduce the risk we face and she is still the best darn change-maker I have ever known”, he reiterated.

No matter how you feel about her, more than 200 women have tried to make it to the oval office since 1872, but none have made it this far, an accomplishment many said proves women are equal to men. He asked the convention chair to suspend the rules and nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation, using his own superdelegate vote in the process.


But the speech wasn’t just about his incredible love for his incredible wife, the first woman presidential nominee from a major party. For those unswayed by the testimonials and touching anecdotes of others, only Clinton can make the case for why she deserves a second look. “She’s smart, she’s strong and she never forgets who she is fighting for and why”. Young women said Clinton appeals to their age group. “My mom has been fighting for everyday Americans for as long as I can remember”. Clinton has been a frequent traveler to India and she has several Indian Americans in her campaign staff playing key role in her election strategy and policy making.

Bill Clinton