
Clinton reaffirms she didn’t send, receive classified emails

Clinton voted yes, though she later said she made a mistake.


DON GONYEA, BYLINE: Hi. But it is sunny.

GONYEA: But there it is. In what may have been a swipe at Clinton, said he was most proud that during those times, he “never had any scandals”.

After she was criticized for hiring a helicopter to travel the state in 2008, she arrived at the fairground before Trump in an SUV. He’s retired, but he’s still a very big deal.

Approaching Trump, Tranmer said she was surrounded by fellow Trump admirers, who repeatedly said they wanted someone different with his kind of background. They enjoyed some of the bonds. She has been in Iowa the last couple of days really forcefully defending herself on that topic in speeches and everything.

So, she finally relented and turned in that server, which had been, surprise, surprise, scrubbed. “It’s about politics”, Clinton said.

That’s what the majority of voters think about what the former Secretary of State said was on her private email server.

“I’ve been to a lot of state fairs, but this is a state fair”, Carson said, to cheers.

Trump later made a grand entrance, landing his helicopter in athletic fields about a mile away and offering rides to children before he came onto the grounds.

When the pack reached Grand Avenue, the fair’s main drag, Trump’s helicopter buzzed overhead as Clinton walked past stands selling funnel cakes, corn brats and lemonade. Almost all pay respects to the famed “butter cow” sculpture. “I told him that as I shook his hand…”

GONYEA: And in what, a photo op?

VIGELAND: Don, one of the mainstays of the fair is the soapbox. Well, they’re all Donald Trumps.

Both Clinton and Trump promised that they’d be returning to Iowa soon – and often – with the campaign moving at a breakneck speed.

“I think the fact that he’s a strong proponent of workers rights, and working people need to be treated fairly is important to Michigan”, he said.

And he also notes that not everybody goes, and it’s true.

Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa, a Republican elected in 2014, said the presidential candidates are an attraction for some fair-goers, while not so much for others. Rand Paul is not going this time. In 2011 Republican candidate Mitt Romney declared from the soapbox that “corporations are people, my friend”, a line that dogged the former private equity executive.

Before touring the fair, Clinton was in a defensive mood with reporters. So she did a press conference here. She toured the barns. Juggling a lemonade and posing for selfies, she told admirers that she needed their prayers and gave an enthusiastic review of the pork: “It’s so good!” she exclaimed.

Her speech included sharp critiques of potential Republican rivals Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum, who narrowly won the Iowa caucuses in 2012, donned a red embroidered apron to flip pork burgers over sizzling grills. Bernie Sanders by 42% to 36%, according to a poll released Tuesday evening by WMUR.

“And three and a half months have gone by, we have had huge crowds all over America”.


Bernie Sanders speaks at the Democratic Wing Ding Friday evening in Clear Lake.

About 58 % say that Clinton “knowingly lied” last March when she said her personal email server did not contain any classified information