
Clinton releases 2015 tax returns. Is Trump next?

Departing from 40 years of tradition for presidential candidates, Trump has so far refused to release any of his tax returns for public inspection.


Trump, the billionaire real estate developer, has said that he’s under an audit by the Internal Revenue Service and won’t release his returns until that’s concluded – which may not happen before the November 8 election. Bill Clinton made more $5.25 million in speaking fees, while his wife made almost $1.5 from paid speeches.

As CNN reports, “with the release of her 2015 income taxes, Clinton has now released 39 years’ worth of tax returns over the course of her career”.

Clinton and her husband Bill, the former president, reported 10.6 million United States dollar in income for 2015. That comes to an effective federal tax rate of around 34%.

As New York residents, the former Secretary of State and former President also paid state income taxes. Tim Kaine and his wife will also release the last 10 years of their returns.

The Clintons, like millions of Americans, are self-employed.

The Clintons had a total income in 2015 of about $10.7 million.

During the decade or so that Clinton served as a USA senator and then secretary of state, Clinton reported that her husband made $105 million for delivering more than 540 speeches.

The Clintons’ income was also lower in 2015, showing Hillary leaving behind the eyebrow-raising and lucrative speaking circuit to prepare for her run. How would she get any of it through Congress?

After resigning from the State Department in February 2013, Clinton went on the speaking circuit, charging $225,000 or more per appearance.

Clinton, in an economic speech Thursday outside Detroit, will hit Trump for not releasing his taxes and suggest that the returns cover up how much the businessman’s tax proposal would actually help people like him, an aide said Wednesday.

The Clintons also donated 1 million U.S. dollars to the non-profit foundation that bears their name. Nearly all of those donations went to the Clinton Family Foundation, a fund that serves as the vehicle for the couple’s charitable giving that is different from the Clinton Foundation, whose activities have been heavily scrutinised – most recently over email leaks that suggest an appropriately close connection between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during the time Mrs Clinton was Secretary of State.

They also got to write off those previously mentioned NY taxes that they paid. Due to their income, that itemized deduction amount was reduced to $2.2 million.

These revealed that his effective federal tax rate varied significantly from year to year: just 13.4 percent in 2009, the last full year he was governor of Virginia and peaking at 24 percent in 2011, when he concluded his stint as Democratic National Committee chair.

But they won’t be getting that million or so from Uncle Sam. Instead, the Clintons told the IRS to apply it all to their 2016 estimated tax bill.


At a Clinton rally last week in Omaha, Nebraska, Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway BRKa.N conglomerate is based there, challenged Trump to meet and exchange tax returns.

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