
Clinton Releases 2015 Tax Returns, Pressures Trump To Do Same

In 2015, Kaine and his wife, Anne, reported $313,441 in adjusted gross income and paid almost $63,000 in federal income taxes for an effective rate of 20%.


That means their effective tax rate – a measure of their income tax burden – was 30.6% based on their adjusted gross income.

Pence to release tax returns: As critics call for Trump to release his tax documents, vice presidential candidate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Saturday on WABC radio that he will release his tax returns soon, according to NBC News.

Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine also released his returns for the past 10 years on Friday.

A NY poll released Monday by Siena College found Donald Trump with only 55% support among his fellow Republicans in a head-to-head match against Hillary Clinton. “What is he trying to hide?” queried Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary for America communications director.

Between 2007 and 2014, the Clintons paid approximately $57 million in federal, state and local taxes, from a total income of more than $140 million.

The Clintons’ 2015 return showed that, unlike most Americans, just $100 of their income came from wages.

The release of candidate tax returns has been a campaign ritual for decades.

Tax experts suggested Mr Trump could legally have taken advantage of generous deductions open to property developers.

Most of the income came from Clinton’s speaking fees as Hillary has been campaigning for president.

Trump specifically criticized The New York Times after a report came out which said the campaign’s “effort to save Mr. Trump from himself has plainly failed”.

Clinton has pounced on the issue, releasing an online video on Friday highlighting high-profile Republicans urging Trump to release his taxes. IRS officials have said there’s no law preventing taxpayers from releasing their returns to the public, even if they’re under audit.

This marks the 39th year the couple that the couple has released their tax returns to the public.

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday said rival Donald Trump had no real plans to help middle-class families, arguing that his agenda of tax cuts and tough trade talk would throw the economy into recession. The Clintons have unveiled their tax documents before-their returns back to 1977 are public-so Friday’s disclosure of the 2015 numbers wasn’t particularly novel. Over 60% of the Clintons’ .6 million income comes from speeches. She made roughly $22 million from the fees.

“We want to see the transcripts of the secret Wall Street speeches Ms. Clinton was paid $10,000 dollars-a-minute to give”.


The Clintons’ income was also lower in 2015, showing Hillary leaving behind the eyebrow-raising and lucrative speaking circuit to prepare for her run. This is the limited liability company incorporated in DE in 2013 after she left the State Department to receive her speaking fees and book royalties.

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