
Clinton releases medical records after pneumonia diagnosis

Dr. Bardack said Clinton is recovering with antibiotics and rest and “she continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States”.


Clinton’s blood pressure was 100/70 during her physical, which is normal, along with a heart rate of 70, respiratory rate of 18, temperature of 97.8 and pulse-oximetry of 99 percent.

A letter from Clinton’s doctor states the Democratic presidential nominee last Friday was diagnosed with mild, non-contagious bacterial pneumonia. She was treated with Levaquin, an antibiotic, for 10 days.

A spokesman said the campaign was too focused on making sure Clinton was well instead of releasing details of her health.

Clinton’s diagnosis came to light on Sunday after she became overheated and dehydrated at a September 11 memorial service in New York City.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine says “there’s been a double standard applied” for Hillary Clinton as a woman when it comes to her health and disclosure of medical records.

Bardack wrote previous year that while Clinton suffered a scare in 2012 following a concussion, she was now in good health.

The 2015 health statement says the blood clot, also known as a thrombosis, that Clinton suffered between her brain and skull following a fainting spell and concussion in late 2012 is completely resolved.

Clinton’s vaccinations are “up to date” and include Prevnar and Pneumovax. She has also had a normal mammogram and breast ultrasound, according to the letter.

“I just talked to her – she’s feeling great and I think she’ll be back out there tomorrow”, former President Bill Clinton said Wednesday, when he stepped in for his wife at a previous scheduled campaign event in Las Vegas.

Hillary Clinton released updated health information Wednesday afternoon.

He added that Clinton “produced so much more” health information than Donald Trump.


There is no credible evidence to support any of these claims.

Brendan Smialowski  Getty Images
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leaves her daughter's apartment after resting on Sept. 11