
Clinton relishes nomination as first woman to lead major US party

Perhaps Trump has chose to cultivate a new image as a fair-minded critic and will soon be referring to the Democratic nominee as “Could Be More Ethical (Although, Really, Who Am I to Say?) Hillary”.


“It’s about, “Yes we can” and we’re going to carry Hillary to victory this fall, because that’s what the moment demands”, he said. Despite critique from conservatives that she was merely running on her status as the first female nominee, Clinton reveled in the “glass ceiling” which she had broken through.

Who would have thought eight years ago that Obama and Clinton would be hugging it out-warmly and all cuddly-like-years after the president once called her “likable enough” during a debate. She picked up the attack theme that has been at the heart of speeches this week from the likes of heavyweights VP Joe Biden and President Barack Obama. “She’ll finish the job – and she’ll do it without resorting to torture, or banning entire religions from entering our country”. “And through every victory and every setback, I’ve insisted that change is never easy and never quick; that we wouldn’t meet all of our challenges in one term, or one presidency, or even in one lifetime”.

Bernie Sanders shepherding the Democrats in his democratic socialist movement back to the fold, the socialists still unhappy to learn this really was the Democratic National Convention. They are supplied by IMAX Corporation in Tulsa, Oklahoma state, which says on its website that it sources products from India and China.

“You know, nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the Oval Office”. The former secretary of state reached out to her former party opponent Bernie Sanders disappointed voters and said, “I want to thank Bernie Sanders”.

She said she was happy for boys and men, too, because when a barrier falls, it clears the way for all. “Let me ask you, if you have read the US Constitution?” In her address, she tried to speak directly to Trump supporters. America is already strong. Several male Fox pundits and New York Times columnist David Brooks commented on the Democratic presidential nominee’s “annoying vocal inflection” and “combative manner”. “I am getting hit and they don’t mean it and there’s a lot of lies being told”, he said.


In short, Clinton will face pressure to be many things to many people, all while finding a way to acknowledge her trust issues with voters – and her place in USA history as the first woman to lead a Democratic or Republican presidential ticket.

Democratic Convention: Bloomberg tears into Trump, Obama buoys Hillary