
Clinton Rips Trump: ‘What Would Ronald Reagan Say?’

In a February 25 speech, as a NY senator during the 2008 primaries, she said she had pushed the administration to provide information about their Iraq withdrawal plans. She says that while she “regrets” having said what she said, she only regrets that she said it about “half” of Trump’s supporters.


The suggested response to surrogates: “Tim Kaine was making the point that she didn’t need to apologize for calling out that Donald Trump has given a platform to the alt-right and its deplorable views”.

“These are the desperate attacks of a flailing campaign sinking in the polls, and characteristics of someone woefully unfit for the presidency of the United States“, Miller added in a statement.

That’s a “record” haul for the Trump campaign and its joint fundraising committees, the campaign bragged in a Thursday statement, but it’s no match for Hillary Clinton, who raised $143 million in August, as her campaign reported last week.

On Friday, Clinton derided some of Trump’s supporters in a speech during a fundraiser in New York City.

“If I were to be grossly generalistic, I would say you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets”.

Mrs Clinton later said she regretted calling the supporters “deplorables”, saying that many were hard-working Americans.

In a statement given to Bloomberg on Saturday, Trump said Clinton’s attempt to partially walk back the remark was disgraceful.

But Clinton proved this weekend that she was not to be outdone, at least in terms of hurling ugly insults at the supporters of her political opposition. In Wednesday night’s forum on national security issues, Trump said, “I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin“. A campaign spokesperson emphasized how many “alt-right” leaders support Trump for president and that their message comes through at his rallies.

“Those are people we have to understand and empathise with as well”, she said. She and affiliated committees had $152 million, compared with Trump’s $97 million, as the campaign told the Wall Street Journal this week.

In 2002, Radio host Howard Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion. “Unfortunately there are people like that”.

At Friday night’s fundraiser, Clinton said Trump had given voice to hateful rhetoric through his behavior as a candidate for the White House in the November 8 election. However, she added that she would continue to speak out against what she said was intolerance on the campaign trail.

Donald Trump Jr, the candidate’s son, shared a post yesterday from Infowars, a website known for spreading conspiracy theories, which alleged that Mrs Clinton had been wearing an earpiece during the forum so her staff could help her respond to questions.

“They don’t want instability on their border, and this is a wake-up call for them, and we have to demand that they use their influence”, said vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine. It came hours after she made the remarks that recalled comments Barack Obama made in 2008 about people who cling to guns and religion, and that Republican Mitt Romney made in 2012 about the 47 per cent of Americans who were dependent on the government and would never vote for him. Obama said that small-town voters “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”.


And she said his campaign was built “on stoking mistrust and pitting American against American”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at an LBGT For Hillary Gala at the Cipriani Club in New York Friday Sept. 9 2016