
Clinton’s advice on cyberbullying: ‘Don’t take it personally’

Sanders recently stressed that if Clinton does become the nominee, she’ll have to do a much better job of engaging his supporters – namely millennials.


The race in Pennsylvania is complicated by the way Democrats and Republicans select their delegates to the conventions – the people who ultimately decide who wins the nomination.

But as Sanders falls further behind Clinton in amassing delegates who will choose the nominee, some of his supporters have replaced their criticism and occasional outright virulence with appeals to those Democratic elites – some of whom have long memories. So far, Sanders is not giving any signs that he is about to end his presidential quest. She declined to attack her Democratic rival by name in the morning appearance and a subsequent stop in Bridgeport, Connecticut, focusing on the Republican candidates.

“We set ambitious goals to ensure we’d have the resources we need to win a competitive primary and we’ve blown past every goal, recently surpassing the million-donor mark”, spokesman Josh Schwerin said. Manafort told the Republican activists that “fixing personality negatives is a lot easier than fixing character negatives”, adding that “you can change the way somebody presents themselves”. Cruz will also likely be mathematically eliminated from winning the nomination on first ballot after Tuesday, an important talking point for Trump. “We were going at about one a week… and it was getting a little exhausting”. “Remember, make America great again!”

The Ohio governor kicked off the rally by telling the crowd of about 750 they were “made special” and “made for a objective”.

“People ought to feel good about what he did”, Elleithee said.

GOP Presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks to enthusiastic supporters in Frederick, Maryland, April 21, 2016. “Because I thought we had a message that was resonating”. That battlefront, typically unimportant in most presidential elections, is critical in a nomination race that could be settled at a contested national convention. “No one else can get it outright”.

Clinton charged that rhetoric from Trump and Ted Cruz is “not only offensive, it’s unsafe”.

Clinton now has a bigger lead over Sanders than Barack Obama ever had over Clinton at any time in 2008 – more than twice as big, in fact. That all changed shortly before he announced his candidacy for president, in the Democratic primary, but Sanders still has strong support among independents. “When I think about the amount of money being raised at this fundraiser, the smallest ticket is $34,000 a plate”. Unlike the Republicans -Trump in particular – you know we’re not going around saying you know everything’s rigged and running against the rules. We’re not an authoritarian regime.

MADDOW: Is there a point of friction between the case that Senator Sanders has made for people power, basically, for this not being decided by the establishment, for the Democratic party insiders not doing this and it being the will of the voters and shouldn’t be something that gets decided in back rooms, it gets decided in public. “No president can solve or address effectively the real problems facing the middle class and working families in this country, the elderly, the children and the poor, unless we have a political revolution”, Sanders told a rally at Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania. Even if Clinton wins a majority of pledged delegates, Longabaugh said, the Sanders campaign intends to keep going, taking the fight to superdelegates who can overrule voters.

Healing the party after a divisive primary is possible but will take time, according to John Fortier. “I think that’s a factor”, Sanders said in defense of his campaign. In 2008 I wrote a piece that they published in the New York Times right after Super Tuesday.


Polls show Clinton in a strong position for Tuesday’s five primary contests.

Trump Clinton Western Tuesday winners