
Clinton’s classified email errors due to ‘improper labeling’: Kaine

E-mails that Clinton sent and received through her private server during her tenure were archived on the laptop in 2013 by a person who was an assistant to former President Bill Clinton, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said in its heavily redacted investigative report released Friday.


The FBI report on Clinton also mentions that her trusted aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, “were unaware” of their boss’s choices and use of any other mobile devices “other than the BlackBerry” she preferred to use. The FBI found even that statement to be untrue, but the interview notes show that she further claims she was unable in some cases to recognize classified documents.

In addition, there were “mass deletions” of emails just after news reports of her secret private server became public, and after she received a subpoena, and order not to destroy any records, from the House committee investigating the Benghazi affair.

“Not only do the FBI’s interview notes underscore Hillary Clinton’s bad judgment, incompetence, and dishonesty, they raise serious questions about whether emails regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi were intentionally destroyed while under congressional subpoena”, stated Trump’s deputy campaign manager David Bossie.

“So when she received the email, the material that was classified, which is supposed to be flagged and identified as classified, in many instances was improperly labelled”, Politico quoted Kaine as saying.

“I went into the State Department understanding classification”, she said.

“There’s so much to say about the FBI’s conduct here”, Halperin said.

The Clinton Foundation provided Hanley the computer, and an aide to former President Bill Clinton instructed her on how to archive the emails.

“He has openly encouraged Russia to engage in cyber hacking to try to find more emails or materials, and we know that this cyber attack on the DNC was likely done by Russia”, Kaine told the Sunday television program.

Something else that the world was not to see was the scope of the Obama administration’s use of drones to summarily execute alleged threats to national security, but that didn’t stop Hillary Clinton from sending and receiving e-mails about the timing and target of the drone strikes with the Defense Department and President Obama.

One celebratory online meme once showed Clinton, in dark glasses, staring at her phone.

In other words, Hillary Clinton was so anxious to completely erase e-mails about her daughter’s wedding plans and her yoga lessons that she ordered her people to use software created to demolish every digital trace of e-mail.


Clinton has dealt with coughing fits before, but Monday’s among the most disruptive.

Gingrich at the RNC