
Clinton’s image at lowest level in 24 years

Ohio Governor John Kasich not only refused to attend his own party’s convention that was held in his own state, but a year ago released an anti-Trump ad that came close to comparing his party’s nominee to Adolph Hitler.


“This could keep me very busy at night, folks”.

“The build-up to Donald Trump’s acceptance speech tonight was intense, but the final product ended up being pretty anti-climactic”, said Mr Aaron Kall, the director of debate at the University of MI.

Trump’s visit to Charlotte followed his Monday evening campaign rally in Winston-Salem, and a July 5 event in Raleigh. “We’re going to have a convention this week that highlights success stories”. Given the poll’s credibility interval of about 4 percentage points, Trump and Clinton should be considered to be about even in the race.

Before the convention held in Cleveland from July 18th to 22nd, Clinton leads Trump in the poll by almost 10 percent. Active-duty service members favor Trump, according to a recent Military Times poll. Post-RNC, Trump leads Clinton with 44% of the vote, while Clinton garners 39%.

Pence said that Trump knows that by lessening the tax burden on working Americans by cutting red tape and regulations by getting runaway Federal spending under control by having better deals with foreign countries would improve American economy. “Our VA is broken and this builder (Trump) will fix it”.

During the Republican primary, Trump said that McCain “was not a hero”, despite the fact that he spent over five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. “Together, we will make America great again”, he said. But after Cruz refused to endorse Trump, only 33 percent of Republicans now have a favorable view of the Texas Republican. Barack Obama, Clinton’s miscalculations – and those of her political whiz kid strategist husband – cost her the nomination. It was another sharp difference from Clinton’s approach Tuesday: She didn’t mention Trump by name once in her 30-minute address.

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin, who also spoke at the briefing sponsored by the Atlantic magazine, acknowledged that some voters are attracted to Trump because he promises change, even if they are not sure what his change would mean.

“ISIS – it’s a word you didn’t hear last night”, Trump said. Her record as secretary of state was described as calamitous, and delegates regularly broke into extended chants of “lock her up” in reference to her use of a private email server at the State Department. He said the email server put American security at risk.

“To think she was here yesterday”. Perhaps most troubling for the Clinton supporters gathering in Philadelphia this week: 68% now say Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, her worst rating on that measure in CNN/ORC polling. Trump told the crowd. “Our most basic commitment to provide health and medical care has been violated completely”. Two of the most interesting differences in opinions come along this intersection of terrorism and immigration.

“Can you imagine the waste and corruption?” Bernie Sanders. The results show notable differences in views about the use of US power in the world, the country’s economic future and the threat of terrorism. “She’s trying to sweep it under the rug”.

Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, also knocked Democrats during the VFW convention.

“And with Mexico we have an unbelievably big trade imbalance”. Both candidates are enormously polarizing.

Trump has suggested that the United States should abandon its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation obligations for mutual defense if nations don’t pay their share of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation costs.


And CNN: “Donald Trump Bounces into Lead”. But Trump appeared to echo his earlier comments Tuesday. “The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction overseas – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them”.

Cruz at Texas delegation