
Clinton’s lead over Trump slips after Florida shooting

While Trump’s impulsive style and provocative ideas served him well in the Republican primary campaign, the broader electorate appears to have concerns.


The images won’t be the first of the billionaire businessman hobnobbing with the former first couple to be made public: Photos of the Clintons attending Trump’s wedding to his third wife, Melania, are already in the public domain, as are pictures of Trump and the former president golfing.

A lot will happen between now and November. But the movement is significant in that it is the most organized plan yet for opposing the real estate mogul’s nomination.

Even some in the Republican establishment in Colorado have warned Unruh her “future in politics is over”.

“I have been a good soldier for the last few nominees”. I just can’t do it this time.

“Just because you have experience doesn’t mean you’re right”, he said. Clinton scored a 75 percent favorability rating among her own party, compared to Trump’s 65 percent among Republicans.

Despite Clinton’s long record and experience as secretary of state, new polling suggests the Democratic nominee will have her work cut out for her on foreign policy. Then, a majority of the full convention’s 2,472 delegates would have to approve. I would call up the head of Ford, if I was president … “They don’t like distraction or disunity or being labeled a troublemaker or a rabblerouser and they love decorum”, Unruh said. “Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump’s and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate”.

Donald Trump is perhaps the least popular Republican presidential candidate of all time. “That he and Donald are buddies, and they have a lot of similar friends in NY, and he has masterfully selected a friend who maybe by October will say, ‘You know, this is very boring”. She said the United States counts on Muslim communities in the USA and partners in majority-Muslim countries to help fight terrorism.

“They’re anticipating we’re not going to be as organized as we are”, she said.

Republican leaders are stuck in an uncomfortable marriage with their can’t-live-with-him, can’t-live-without-him presidential nominee, who is showing no signs of cooling the polarizing rhetoric that many GOP elites decry. They’re looking at it as a whip operation, Unruh said, and they have a spreadsheet of key Rules Committee members she hopes to sway to ultimately gather the 56 votes she wants to pass the resolution.

Unruh’s group, which Lonegan is helping, is using social media and emails and held a conference call Thursday night to organize efforts to find support. “Unfortunately, they never talk about that”.

At a campaign event in Hampton, Va., geared toward military families and service members, the presumptive Democratic nominee took aim at two of Trump’s most controversial policy proposals, claiming they would have been completely ineffective in preventing last weekend’s mass shooting, the deadliest in US history.

“That is probably the toughest sell”, Unruh said. “I don’t know how one builds a wall to keep the internet out”.


“I don’t go for these conspiracy theories and the “birtherism” nonsense”, said Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa.

Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Favorability Ratings Drop to New Lows