
Clinton’s Ratings Fail to Top Trump on Final Night of Convention

Vice President Biden’s convention speech was an outreach to working-class voters from rust-belt states, a constituency that Trump has often spoken directly to when talking free trade and immigration on the stump.


And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen. After a campaign rally at Temple University, the Clinton-Kaine bus tour will make its way through the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

The celebratory mood of this week’s Democratic national convention continued Friday as Clinton smiled and waved as she boarded her blue campaign bus, wrapped with the slogan “Stronger Together”.

But Trump counters that Democrats are offering a “fantasy world” that ignores the real problems. What’s more, some influential Republican voices were left with concerns that Democrats had stolen their message as the party of American exceptionalism.

Each, however, is claiming to be the country’s true change-maker. Nielsen measures 10 commercial broadcast and cable networks; PBS separately reported that Clinton drew 3.9 million Thursday, compared with 2.8 million for Trump last week.

The Clinton campaign plans to kick off next week with an organizing event in Omaha, Neb.

But it is states like OH and Pennsylvania – swing states with large swaths of blue-collar voters – that are expected to be top targets. Fox had 3 million viewers for Clinton.

The poll has a credibility interval of 4 percentage points.

‘Unless you want to be lied to, belittled, and attacked for your beliefs, don’t watch Hillary’s DNC speech tonight, ‘ Trump said the Trump campaign email.

“A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”, Clinton said of Trump.

Earlier in the day on Friday, Pence spoke in Indianapolis where he ripped Clinton’s nomination acceptance speech as “more of the same”.

“I think pointing the finger to Russians is just a way to distract people from the central issue which is that the DNC was using a rigged game to prevent the popular guy from actually getting the election”, said Arvin Vohra in an interview with RT. But Trump said Friday that Sanders “sold his soul to the devil” when he – unlike some of his loudly protesting supporters – threw his support behind Clinton.

Hillary Clinton made history, but that may not be enough to get her to 270.


“It’s not so much that I’m on the ticket, it’s because of the stark choice that’s posed to Americans in this election”, she said.

Trump in Denver2