
Clinton’s selective history on trade

Hillary Clinton is reassuring supporters in Warren, Michigan that her anti-trade position on Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership is not simply political positioning.


Clinton did make a key distinction on their trade views. She said she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and promises to oppose it as president.

DFA executive director Charles Chamberlain agreed that Clinton’s stated opposition on Thursday was “the strongest we’ve heard from her to date and will undoubtedly help build the support necessary to kill this miserable trade deal once and for all”.

Questions were raised about Clinton’s position on trade after her close confidant Gov. Terry McAuliffe asserted that she would change her mind after she was elected. “My message to every worker in MI and across America is this”.

“The answer is not to rant and rave or cut ourselves off from the world”.

HILLARY CLINTON: My message to every worker in MI and across America is this: I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. On Monday during his economic speech, Mr Trump vowed to place taxes on products from Mexico and label China a “currency manipulator”.

She said too many companies lobbied for free trade agreement so they can export more product, but then move to countries with lower wages and sell their products back to American consumers once those deals are signed. Mr Trump also opposes the TPP.


First, she teed up her comment by knocking those who oppose TPP.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gives a speech on the economy after touring Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren Mich. Thursday Aug. 11 2016