
Clinton’s tax move pressures Trump

The return revealed that Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, earned $10.6 million in adjusted gross income past year and paid an effective federal income tax rate of 34.2 percent.


The release of tax information is generally expected of presidential candidates.

Critics, including 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have blasted Trump for failing to disclose his tax rate and raised questions about what his returns say about his net worth as well as his various business ties, particularly in Russian Federation.

Politico has reported that Trump paid zero to very little taxes for two years in the 1990s, and a New York Times business columnist on Friday quoted a number of tax lawyers and accountants saying that could still be the case.

Hillary and Bill Clinton paid $3.2 million in federal income tax previous year, a rate of 34.2 percent.

Her vice presidential running mate, Tim Kaine, also released his tax returns Friday for the years 2006-2015.

Bill Clinton’s office previously said he had ended his consulting work with Laureate a year ago.

The Clintons, like millions of Americans, are self-employed. Over the past decade, he and his wife earned the most in 2014, more than $314,000 in adjusted gross income.

Together they made $6.7 million in speaking fees.

By any measure, though, Hillary Clinton and her husband have satisfied the Buffett Rule that she’d like to impose if elected.

They also made close to $3.1 million on their various books.

Clinton, who has said she is one of the most transparent presidential candidates in history, has acknowledged her use of the private email server was a mistake but said she properly handled all classified information. For Trump, the subject may be notably more taxing.

The Clintons’ itemized deductions helped cut their AGI to the lower taxable income amount of $8.35 million.

In 2015, the Clintons reported $1,042,000 in charitable donations. The bulk of the couple’s philanthropic gifts went, of course, to the Clinton Family Foundation.

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Critics suspect they will show the businessman is not as rich as he has claimed. (In 2016 money, that appreciates to about $2.5 million.) The average home price in the June 2016 was $358,000 (median home price was $307,000). Due to their income, that itemized deduction amount was reduced to $2.2 million.

Hillary Clinton gave dozens of paid speeches in 2013, 2014 and 2015 but gave this up before launching her candidacy for the White House in April 2015. Laureate Education paid him $1 million in 2015, for a total of $17.4 million since 2010, when Laureate’s chairman first engaged him. The Clintons, as noted above, gave between 8 and 15 percent – or about $15 million total – during that eight-year period.


But they won’t be getting that million or so from Uncle Sam.

Hillary Clinton releases 2015 tax returns shifting pressure to Donald Trump