
Clinton, Sanders on health care, donors

Meanwhile, on the Republican side, the New Hampshire victor (Donald Trump) is a climate conspiracy theorist.


The sixth Democratic debate comes as the two remaining candidates are positioning themselves for the next two nominating contests: the February 20 Nevada caucuses in which union members, Hispanics and cash-strapped homeowners are key constituencies and the February 27 SC primary in which black voters hold considerable sway.

Analyses of other speeches showed that Sanders did use “we” or “us” more than the first-person pronouns, while Clinton said “I” or “me” more than she used the more inclusive pronouns, though the ratio was less stark. It’s not the only problem America faces. Her biting comments followed an interview in which Sanders suggested Obama hadn’t succeeded in closing the gap between Congress and the American people – something Obama himself has acknowledged.

Los aspirantes a convertirse en el candidato del Partido Demócrata a la Casa Blanca, el senador Bernie Sanders y Hillary Clinton, se dan la mano tras un debate durante las primarias del partido en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Milwaukee, el 11 de febrero de 2016, en Milwaukee.

“The numbers don’t add up”, Clinton said.

In a Friday press release from Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s debate comments about unaccompanied minors among undocumented immigrants have come under fire. We are not France.

Kissinger served in World War II, earned his doctorate at Harvard and became a professor there. They also debated whose plan makes the most sense. And I have set forth a compact that would do just that for debt-free tuition. The intersection of Wall Street and income inequality has hit Democratic voters, especially young voters, especially voters in un-diverse Iowa and New Hampshire, exactly where they live. “In the op-ed, Albright said she now understands that she “came across as condemning those who disagree with my political preferences”.

Other major Jewish donors to the group include “Power Rangers” super-mogul Haim Saban, who has given $2.5 million (his wife Cheryl, who is not Jewish, gave another $2.5 million); Herbert Sandler, former owner of a large savings & loan association called Golden West, who gave $1.5 million, and Slim-Fast billionaire S. Daniel Abraham, who gave $1 million.

Both of them touted their credentials on issues that candidates view as important to women, like paid family leave and equal pay – issues on which they broadly agree. As to the only change that could make his platform credible – revamping the way congressional elections are funded by adopting a system of small-dollar, citizen-funded campaigns, such as the one Rep. John Sarbanes, D-Maryland, has proposed – Sanders indicated this was something to “move toward” “over the long term”.

“I’m not asking people to support me because I’m a woman”, Clinton said. The Congressman wasn’t content to merely endorse the former Secretary of State. Or did you vote for him because he said, “Yes we can’ and projected a bold vision?”

When Clinton tried to turn the tables, pointing out that Sanders hasn’t provided details on where he is getting foreign policy advice, Sanders quipped, “Well, it ain’t Henry Kissinger”. I am not a single-issue candidate, and I do not believe we live in a single-issue country.

A surprise guest gate crashed Thursday’s Democratic debate: Henry Kissinger.

The Sanders campaign pushed back on that notion, saying that the union is acting independently and stressing that the candidate doesn’t want help from any super PAC. All the other candidates share a goal – beating Trump – that would be furthered if all but one of them were to drop out of the race.

Clinton accused Sanders of misleading Americans on his healthcare.

“The kind of criticism that we’ve heard from Senator Sanders about our President I expect from Republicans”.

The ruling granted legal protection to a woman’s right to seek abortion, but it also put the pro-choice movement on the eternal defensive. Clinton in particular invoked the president often, praising Obamacare, his policing task force, and his advocacy for young men, for example (though Sanders also had a few instances in which he praised the president). She was on the offense immediately, though without her slash-and-burn tactics from last week’s debate on MSNBC. In 2011, he told radio host Thom Hartmann about how “millions of Americans” saw Obama as “weak” and were “disappointed” in his leadership.

Sanders responded: “Madam Secretary, that is a low blow”. The blurb said that the next president of the United States has got to be aggressive in bringing people into the political process. He says he has no involvement with the Hillary Clinton campaign.


“One of us ran against Barack Obama”, he added.

Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton inhumane on immigration