
Clinton says GOP candidates hindering anti-terrorism efforts

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015.


Fallon, Clinton campaign spokesman, said Hillary will be speaking about it in New Hampshire today, and will talk about tax inversions tomorrow in Iowa.

Clinton’s biggest GOP lead is against Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate in either party. “It’s not only shameful, it’s unsafe”, Hillary Clinton said.

On Monday, Bush tweeted that Trump was “unhinged” and at an event earlier Tuesday, Bush alluded to Trump as a “blowhard”, condemning his proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States in the wake of the San Bernardino terror attack. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) at 16 percent; retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, 10 percent; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, 4 percent; and Sen. Ted Cruz have floated the idea of a religious test for Syrian refugees fleeing violence in the Middle East.

“I’m proposing a $1,500 tax credit for every apprentice a business hires”, Clinton said, “so you can actually pay them something so they can stay and learn the skills they need in the marketplace”. We have to enlist assist from American Muslims, Muslims around the world in defeating the basic jihadists and the hateful ideology they represent. “I want to raise the cost to corporations that try to get out of paying their fair share”, Clinton added, according to a statement released by her campaign.

Specifically, Clinton’s proposal, announced during Town Hall meetings in Iowa, would target a practice known as “earnings stripping”, in which companies that have shifted their tax addresses overseas in a tactic known as an “inversion” take advantage of various loopholes to reduce their tax burdens.

Clinton said she would work to end inversions – “a technical term for a trick”, she said – that allow American companies to benefit from lower corporate tax rates by technically relocating their headquarters to another country. Clinton didn’t target Trump alone – she said other GOP candidates are guilty of playing into the hands of terrorists as well.

She is also urging lawmakers to pass an “exit tax” aimed at penalizing US companies that move their tax addresses offshore.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is calling on Congress to stop corporations from offshore mergers that cut their tax bill, saying she’ll take executive action as president, if necessary.


Clinton would also try to prevent inversions by requiring the acquiring company to control a 50% stake in the combined entity. The profits a US company earns overseas are not taxed until they are brought back into the USA, prompting many companies to hold cash and invest abroad to avoid the taxes.

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