
Clinton says Trump hasn’t offered any ‘credible solutions’ for economy

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump promised a home-building group “big league” tax cuts and “massive” cuts in regulation and said Democratic rival Hillary Clinton would spoil the economy, delivering a prebuttal of her economic policy speech planned for later on Thursday.


Clinton’s speech was part political attack, part policy treatise.

On the federal minimum wage, Clinton has tried not to commit to the Sanders campaign demand for $15 an hour, though it’s in the Democratic Party platform, and Thursday’s speech took that approach, not saying how much she’d push for.

If U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump can not control his mouth, he may lose the presidential race because of his seemingly endless gaffes. The current corporate income tax rate is 39 percent (federal rate of 35 percent plus the average state rate of 4 percent) while the top federal rate for businesses organized as pass-through entities is 39.6 percent.

She also referenced Moody’s Analytics reports on both her own economic plan and Trump’s, which estimated at face value that Clinton’s plan could create 10.4 million jobs during her presidential tenure.

Trump says he’s not releasing them because he’s under audit and said he would when the audit is complete.

“She wants to make clear that she wants the tax code to reduce the gap between winners and loser in our economy and he [Trump] doesn’t”, says Wessel, citing Trump’s proposal to eliminate the estate tax – a position Clinton rejects. Her running mate, Sen. In addition, tax returns are publicly available for the eight years her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was in the White House.

Trump outlined a revamped economic package in his speech Monday. And where did he rally days before Republicans went to the polls: Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center in Warren, a venue just miles from where Clinton spokes on Thursday.

Clinton claimed she would work to pass the “biggest investment” in new jobs since World War II. Clinton has looked to counter Trump’s populist, anti-trade message with pledges to help the middle class, small businesses and American manufacturers. “It’s going to be four more years of Obama but it will be worse because she’s mandated to go to the left, because 45 percent of Bernie’s people – they want her to head in that direction”, he said. Nevertheless, Trump’s short-hand comment was risky regardless of which form of violent action he meant.

Clinton depicted even Trump’s most progressive economic policy pillar – making the average cost of child care fully tax deductible – as a transparent assist to parents who can afford nannies, or “rich people, like him”. He said her remarks would be “very limited”.

Trump has struggled to keep the focus on his economic proposal week after fresh controversy with his comments about the Second Amendment.

For the objective of thought experimentation (and Friday afternoon fun!), let’s be exceedingly generous and say that national polls tighten to within the margin of error and Trump is able to win all of the Romney 2012 states plus Florida, Ohio, Iowa, and Nevada.

“Mr. Trump may talk a big game on trade, but his approach is based on fear, not strength”, Clinton said in MI.

Clinton said it was one more example of words that could have “tremendous consequences”.

The New York Times reported that at a rally in Wilmington, NC, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump “raise [d] the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures”, which “quickly elicited a wave of condemnation from Democrats, gun control advocates and others, who accused him of suggesting violence against Mrs. Clinton or liberal jurists”.


One Republican member of Congress, who characterized the 2016 campaign as a “horrible situation” for the party’s ability to save its down-ballot races, put it this way: “When you’re in a bar fight you have to be on the side of your friends and you have to swing back”.

Trump Bashes Clinton for Rally Guest, with Disgraced Ex-Congressman Behind Him