
Clinton Says Trump is ‘Isil’s Best Recruiter’

During the Democratic presidential debate Saturday night, Clinton alleged Trump was “becoming ISIS’ best recruiter” based on his call to ban Muslims from entering the country, and other recent comments.


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Sanders, Clinton and O’Malley all stressed the importance of taking on ISIS.

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“On our worst day, I think we have a lot more to offer the American people than the right-wing extremists”, Sanders declared at the debate’s end.

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We know he’s a good quarterback. “I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ And they said there was a tornado in that area”. I think everybody kind of gets woken up to know that they have to make big plays on the Heisman Trophy victor .

Chideya notes that policy makers have been quick to jump onboard with harm-reduction policy “when it comes to heroin and opiates, which are affecting white Americans mainly”.

The latest rift between Clinton and Trump began during Saturday evening’s debate. When he suggested Clinton couldn’t separate herself from Wall Street, she said he was hypocritical and had “no trouble” raising money from major corporations when he led the Democratic Governors Association.

The debates we have witnessed – too few and far between for the Democrats, frequent enough for the Republicans to constitute a new reality TV show – have provided an incontestable answer to that question. On Friday, it raised over US$1 million amid a fight with the DNC about accessing Hillary Clinton campaign data; on Thursday, it announced it brought in more than US$3 million at the start of the week. “So I think it’s a strength for us, not a weakness”.

“The reality for Sanders is he’s only got a couple more shots to change the dynamic of the race”, said Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis. “It is not Assad who is attacking the United States”, he said. Instead, he chose to forgo the political opportunity, just as he did in the first debate when he dismissed controversy over Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Trump, the billionaire businessman who has broken all the rules of political correctness, had always been questioning Clinton’s stamina to be president on the stump.

At first the Democratic National Committee voter data breach looked bad for Bernie Sanders, with a top staffer breaking into an opponent’s core data and laying eyes on the Hillary Clinton strategy in early states. Clinton made this allegation during the Saturday night Democratic debates, but now it appears the Clinton campaign is backpedaling since a spokesperson for Clinton admitted the ISIS video does not exist.

A spokeswoman for Clinton said the Democrat hopeful was not “referring to a specific video” and added that groups monitoring IS say that Trump already is a social media propaganda tool for jihadists.

For Sanders, the rhetoric feeds directly into the Democratic Primary battle he needs to have with Clinton in order to win.


Many were anticipating Sanders’s response to the data breach of Clinton’s campaign, which Clinton’s staffers called an “egregious breach of data and ethics”. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America, ‘ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof'”. And he even criticized Mrs. Clinton for pledging not to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year.

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