
Clinton says Trump’s trade policy is based on ‘fear’

On Monday, Trump painted a bleak picture, saying policies under the Obama administration had crippled states like MI. When he visited Detroit on Monday he talked only of failure, poverty and crime.


She said it should no longer be the case that a four-year college degree should be the only career path for young Americans. If you believe that he’s as wealthy as he says, that alone would save the Trump family $4 billion.

“When it comes to creating jobs, I would argue that it’s not even close”, she said. And others have also weighed in, with Clinton herself citing another Washington think tank Thursday.

“There is nothing America can’t do if we do it together”, Clinton said.

But King told Breitbart News in March that establishment Republicans might support Clinton if Trump or Texas Sen.

In a part of the country where her past support for free-trade deals has become a political liability, Clinton also made a forceful vow to stop deals that are not in the interest of USA workers, part of a concerted effort to re-frame the trade debate and to defend herself against accusations that she might renege her stand against the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership pact.

“I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as President”, Clinton said.

Clinton also promoted her plan to invest in infrastructure as a way to create more jobs by putting people to work updating roads and bridges.

Clinton said she would expand the Child Tax Credit, which is now available to families making less than $130,000 a year and capped at $1,000 per child.

Clinton is also planning to release her 2015 tax returns in the coming days, as she seeks to keep the pressure on Trump, who has not provided his.

“Of course, it’s hard to say how nice, because he refuses to do what every other Presidential candidate in decades has done and release his tax returns”. Tim Kaine and his wife will also release the last 10 years of their returns. It was given to counter Trump’s economic plan, which he had not yet discussed in detail.

While Clinton said Trump aims to “start a trade war with China”, she did say she would use some similar tactics if foreign countries don’t change how they do business. She labeled one portion of his plan that would allow the wealthiest Americans to pay significantly less on pass-through income-income of business owners that is counted on individual returns-the “Trump Loophole”.

Trump won’t back down on ISIS remark: Trump on Thursday doubled down on his accusation – widely criticized as a false claim – labeling President Obama and Hillary Clinton as “the founders of ISIS”, Politico reported. Then she proceeded to mention a few more plans she has, just for good measure. Make college debt-free. Let student debtors refinance their loans. Clinton has looked to counter Trump’s populist, anti-trade message with pledges to help the middle class, small businesses and American manufacturers. And she seems determined to solve them all with tax credits and public-private partnerships.

Another attention-seeker dominated cable news Wednesday afternoon when he used suction cups to scale Manhattan’s Trump Tower, the Republican nominee’s home and campaign headquarters, before police captured him through an open window.

Trump delivered an economic speech of his own earlier this week in MI.

Matt K. Lewis touches on this line of thought at Roll Call, pointing out Trump’s comments of a “rigged” election may have nothing to do with voter fraud.


Pence eyes his future: Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence “has emerged as the Republican ticket’s cleaner-up in chief”, who is cast in the role of trying to explain the controversial comments of the man at the top of the ticket, Trump, the New York Times reports. The original 13-member group announced last week featured no women – but did have six men named Steve. Clinton emphasized the help the CFPB brings consumers, and questioned: “Why would you want to get rid of that?”

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