
Clinton speech to stress American leadership in world

“That is not how it works”, she said.


She added, “I was a senator from NY”. “One of the copters misgauged how high the wall was around the courtyard, clipped the tail, getting disabled”.

“What we saw today from a man who claims to be the ultimate “deal maker” is that he doesn’t have the courage to advocate for his campaign promises when he’s not in front of a friendly crowd”. Does she really think that American Legion people don’t remember what happened to the military under her husband.

“Look at what’s happened with the reset with Russians”, he said outside the Duke Energy Convention Center. But that is not who we are.

The letter requested that the campaigns “dispense with normal campaign activity on that day, including ceasing to run campaign advertisements, to enable the 9/11 community and the nation to solemnly and peacefully pay tribute to the 9/11 victims, rescue and recovery workers, and those who rose to defend our nation after 9/11”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is coming back to OH this week. “We’ll do whatever is necessary, for as long as it takes, to bring them to justice and end their reign of terror once and for all”. He later would walk the remark back.

Clinton, who has an edge in many state and national polls, has been aggressively courting Republicans and independents since the party convention. John McCain, a POW, citing his capture during the Vietnam War. Clinton for example. The difference is that Trump admits his shortcoming and corrects them.

Clinton sought to play down her reputation as a hawk during the Democratic primary, when rival Sen. And she emphasized her commitment to the ideas of American exceptionalism and military strength.

“It could lose her votes on the left from folks who are exhausted of us blundering into any more wars”, he said.

“I believe we are still Lincoln’s last best hope of Earth”. We’re still Reagan’s shining city on a hill.

Most of us agree that politics is a “contact sport” (figuratively not literally) and most realize that most all politicians are loose with the truth and facts when trying to get elected or re-elected. “My friends, we are so lucky to be American when so many people want to be Americans too”. Clinton assured the audience that the USA should deploy troops only as a last resort, but warned that “we can’t lose our military edge”.

Trump, she said, understands little about how American alliances operate or the principles of US engagement overseas. “It’s just like building personal relationships – people have got to know they can count on you – that you won’t say one thing one day and something totally different the next”.

More than once, Clinton explicitly called on Republicans to get on board – both to support her plans and to defeat Trump.

“It’s more than a photo op, it takes consistency and reliability”, Clinton said of forming alliances.

She reminded the veterans that Trump once called the military a “disaster” and rebuked him for those words. James Clad, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush, will announce his support for Clinton, following a slew of GOP endorsements.


“While Trump may try to disguise his plans by throwing in words like “humane” or ‘fair, ‘ the reality is that Trump’s agenda echoes the extreme right’s will – one that is fueling a risky movement of hatred across the country”, the Democrat’s campaign said.

CINCINNATI OH- AUGUST 31 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets attendees at the American Legion Conventi