
Clinton stands by as GOP drama intensifies

Comella, who has worked with the Republican party for 15 years, said it is time for the GOP to speak up.


Hanna referenced Trump’s recent response to criticism by the Khans, parents of a US soldier killed in action, as well as his statement that John McCain should not be considered a war hero.

Republican Congressman Richard Hanna will cross party lines in November to vote against Donald Trump, he announced on Tuesday. Obama, a Democrat, said at a White House news conference with Singapore’s prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong. Hanna has said he will vote for Clinton.

Republican Chris Christie, a Trump ally once viewed by Trump as a potential running mate, joined the fray on Tuesday, calling criticisms of the Khan family “inappropriate”.

Whitman was the national finance co-chair of Republican New Jersey candidate Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential campaign before he dropped out and endorsed Trump.

But the broadsides have also focused on the nominee’s comments about foreign relations, including his apparent ignorance of Russia’s annexaton of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea in 2014 and his appeal to Russian actors to expose Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Hanna has served as congressman from NY since 2011 and previously announced plans to retire in December when his third term ends.

“I always wanted to get the Purple Heart”.

Whitman’s decision comes at an inopportune time for Republican supporters as Trump has faced backlash for his controversial comments regarding sexual harassment and an ongoing feud with the family of USA fallen soldier Humayun Khan.

Dent told MSNBC on Tuesday that he was concerned by what he said were Trump’s many “incendiary comments”.

Both lawmakers had rebuked Trump over his feud with the family of a slain Muslim-American Army Captain Humayun Khan.

“While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”, McCain said.

Another blow came this week when Sally Bradshaw, a longtime adviser to Jeb Bush and an architect of the GOP’s attempt four years ago to court younger, more diverse voters, fled the Republican party.

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman is playing down a rift between the Republican nominee and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Meanwhile, Trump’s numbers have taken a dive in polls conducted following both political conventions.


A prominent Republican activist and fundraiser, Meg Whitman has declared support for the Democrat Hillary Clinton to become the first female President of the United States America, a move described by political watchers as a huge loss to Donald Trump and his party.

Republican congressman backs Hillary Clinton