
Clinton still faces struggle to win back younger voters

Twenty-two percent (22%) of Republicans and 13% of Democrats like some other candidate right now.


CBS News has projecting a win for Bernie Sanders in Minnesota’s Democratic Caucuses.

Conversely, voters who said honesty mattered most to them broke overwhelmingly for Sanders, and 7 of 10 who valued most the phrase “cares about people like me”, also chose the Vermont senator.

Calls for Sanders to end his bid are likely to increase from the Clinton campaign and other Democrats who want Clinton to shift her attention to a general election matchup with the GOP. And he’s shown no sign of changing his economic-focused message to do so – a strategy that hurt his chances in a swath of primaries held across the country Tuesday. “It’s like Bernie Sanders slipped a molly into her campaign”. “I believe that unless a candidate for the nomination lives up to what they need to live up to, which is to win consistently with voters during the course of this process, even those pledged delegates are not bound”. So far, he is winning just 29 percent. Same for Kasich, the OH governor, who stands to add 66 delegates if he can win his Buckeye State.

Devine pushed back on Wednesday against a forming narrative that Sanders can not make up ground in the delegate race.

Sanders won Colorado by 19 points Super Tuesday.

Sanders himself knows Super Tuesday is going to be tough – but he has a plan to hang on, and make up any delegate deficit he incurs in bigger, later contests in NY and California.

But she still has to face Bernie Sanders.

“We have no doubt that as long as Sen”. Including superdelegates, Clinton now has at least 536 delegates, according to AP’s count. These states have large numbers of African-Americans.

Sanders recounted the four primaries and caucuses in which he prevailed, including in his home state of Vermont.

Sanders also alluded to the number of pundits who are counting him out for the nomination, saying “the pundits have been wrong from day one”. “And that one candidate is not me”.

Bill Ballenger, former longtime editor of Inside Michigan Politics, whose state will vote next week, said Sanders wasn’t necessarily staying in the race to hurt Clinton. America is strong when we’re all strong.

But Sanders has another reason to keep going – money.

“Yesterday was one for the history books”, Clinton said in the convention centre, surrounded by giant American flags.

Manatee and Sarasota residents are unlikely to see Clinton or Sanders in the area before March 15.

With that defeat still fresh in her mind, Clinton moved quickly to hire Obama’s team to run her delegate operation. More than half of Republican primary voters said they preferred an outsider over someone with political experience, and almost 3 in 4 of them were in Trump’s corner. Sanders’ campaign made a concerted push to break $40 million haul.


They point to upcoming contests in Nebraska, Kansas and ME as key opportunities for their candidate. In fact, Clinton did even better Saturday night among black voters in SC than even President Obama in 2008.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton left and Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt pose for