
Clinton takes big lead on Trump in NY

The survey shows Clinton trouncing Trump 56%-20% among those under 35, though she has failed so far to generate the levels of enthusiasm Sanders did – and the high turn-out that can signal – among Millennials.


A conservative political analyst says he’s “disgusted” with Republicans who continue to sabotage Donald Trump and ignore the real enemy: Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s campaign has recently started emailing stories and screen shots of websites overlaid with the words “media bias offender” in large red letters.

A supporter hold up an anti-Trump sign before being removed from a campaign event for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Fairfield, Connecticut, U.S., August 13, 2016.

A pair of House Republicans have added their names to a request for their party to stop funding Donald Trump at the top of its ticket. As one young Republican told Time earlier this year, “Old Christian white people are dying out”, -this fact will haunt the GOP long after November, assuming Trump loses and we still get to have elections.

Clinton also pushed again for free college tuition for middle class students, and again insisted that Trump should release his tax returns, something Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine did late this week.

Just as Donald Trump’s campaign thought the dust had settled on his prolonged public battle with the family of slain army Captain Humuyan Khan, the GOP nominee then suggested last week that “second amendment people” could perhaps prevent Hillary Clinton from being able to choose Supreme Court Justices. Manafort said that only local media covered Trump’s rallies in swing states during the week and that the media didn’t report on newly released emails that provided additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at the State Department.

But right now, there isn’t any evidence that Trump’s concerns have a basis in the US, and it doesn’t seem likely there will be anyone voting a couple of times in November.

His blasts against the media on Twitter on Sunday followed what he told a crowd at a CT rally Saturday night: “I’m not running against crooked Hillary Clinton”.

“I am not only fighting Crooked Hillary”, he tweeted, “I am fighting the dishonest and corrupt media and her government protection process”. According to an average of six national polls, Clinton is leading Trump by nearly 7 points, reported.

That map gave Clinton 201 electoral votes to 158 for Trump. I really believe it. The wealthy southern coast of CT, made up of tony New York City suburbs, has always been fertile fundraising ground and Trump held an event nearby before the rally.


In addition, Clinton trounced Trump among Sanders’ supporters, with 72 percent supporting the former secretary of state and 11 percent backing Trump.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton left and Republican presidential candidate Donal Trump in these 2016 file