
Clinton thought Trump wedding would be “entertaining”

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in recent polling – has sharply criticized the schedule of six Democratic primary debates this cycle.


He said Republicans should stop “tip-toeing around” Trump and address his harsh rhetoric, especially when it comes to immigrants and women. By trying to shield her from challenges, they’re only accentuating her vulnerability. “What part of democracy are they afraid of?” “And I think it’s outrageous actually that the DNC would try to make this process decidedly undemocratic by telling Iowa and New Hampshire that they can only have one debate before they make a decision”. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., – of her own policy reversal on U.S. relations with Cuba.

During last week’s GOP debate, Trump said he essentially coerced Clinton to attend his third wedding in 2005 because he had donated money to her political campaigns. “That’s why the Republicans are so out of touch.”, Sanders tweeted.

Just before the “happy hour” debate kicked off at 5 p.m. on August 6, Clinton blasted a needling message on Twitter, one that embodied the tone of her new demeanor.

That elbows-out approach was out of character for the careful, no-false-moves operation Clinton has built as the Democratic front-runner.

She laughed and threw up her hands at the answer.

Mindful of that, Clinton has been careful to pay tribute to the contribution coal miners have made to the American economy, but she has also made clear that they should be helped to find new jobs, and a new way of life. And that there does need to be “more opportunity” to talk about what candidates are for, but that there are eight more debates, and that he will focus on what he’s for and his contrasts with Hillary Clinton.

Clinton’s campaign invited reporters to watch the GOP debate from their Brooklyn campaign headquarters and singled out Rubio’s comments as the ones most likely to end up in a 2016 general election ad. As her campaign sees it, Trump is only valuable politically as a cudgel to attack more viable Republican candidates like Rubio, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. “And I know firsthand from my time as secretary of state that America’s ability to lead the world on this issue hinges on our commitment to act ourselves”, Clinton said.

As for Trump’s comment that his donations led to her attendance, Clinton said he was just engaging in “entertainment”.

Holding up her hand to calm agitated activists, she added, “It’s really easy to say “yeah, let’s ban all of these fossil fuel extractions” and forget about all the people who are employed, who have jobs that rely on the energy”.

“I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache”. “This is a marathon, not a sprint”.


The poll found that 52 percent of Americans said Clinton is not trustworthy, “a 22-point swing in the past year“, according to the Post, which noted that Clinton support from both independents and Democrats had diminished.

Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley says it’s important that the Democratic party hold more debates