
Clinton Tied With Trump Heading Into Democratic Convention

Trump has also stated that Sanders will not receive the Democratic nomination because of the “rigged system” that politicians like “Crooked Hillary” and Kaine inhabit.


Conventioneers broke out into chants of “lock her up” when Trump mentioned Clinton’s use of a private email server, echoing a refrain at the Republican National Convention.

Although Cruz has so far declined to endorse Trump – his rival in the Republican primary – in the presidential race, he clarified to Texas Republican delegates in Cleveland on Thursday that he will not vote for Clinton in November. Clinton will probably be angling to close the gap during her time at the Democratic National Convention.

“You will never hear me say, ‘I only listen to myself on national security, ‘” she told veterans gathered for the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Republican candidate Donald Trump was introduced by his daughter, Ivanka, at the RNC.

When respondents were given the option of voting for Trump, Clinton, libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Trump led the polls with 44 percent of respondents’ support.

She added: “I want you to know I will get up every single day in the White House doing everything I possibly can to protect our country”.

Hoping to assuage some of those concerns, Clinton’s campaign has highlighted former military officials who’ve endorsed her in recent weeks. “He does not have the temperament to be in that office, and it’s just really frightening to many of us to even think about him being president of the United States and have launch codes to nuclear weapons”.

Registered voters also said that Trump is honesty and trustworthy, would unite rather than divide the country, and would be someone that voters could be proud to call president more frequently than they did in the weeks before the convention. The chairwoman of the DNC, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, said she would resign from her post at the end of the convention.


More liberals are now backing Clinton compared to just over a week ago, and her support among Democrats is up slightly.

Clinton at VP announcement