
Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination At DNC

Tonight, we’ve reached a milestone in our nation’s march toward a more ideal union: the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for President. “We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done”.


“The family I’m from, well, no one had their name on big buildings”, Clinton said.

She’s expected to make hit her opponent Donald Trump but also lay out her own vision for America – likely a more positive take on the country than her GOP rival, and more in the style of President Obama’s speech Wednesday night.

“He said that he was actually counting on his supporters that are in that room to ‘carry Hillary, just like they carried him.’ He was making a direct link to those folks saying, ‘If you support me, if you love me, you actually have to do this for Hillary, too”.

She also thanked once-rival Bernie Sanders.

“Bernie, your campaign inspired millions, particularly the young people who threw their hearts and souls into our primary”, Clinton said.

According to Clinton, Barack Obama’s presidency has already led to the creation of 15 million new private-sector jobs and twenty million more Americans now have health insurance. “We have to decide whether we’re going to work together so we can all rise together”.

“My sisters, we have made history here in Philadelphia”.

American voters will make their choice on November 8. “So enough with the bigotry and bombast”, she declared in her 56-minute speech as her husband, POTUS 42, and her running mate Sen.

“We will not build a wall”.

Clinton criticized the consistent and profound lack of detail offered up by Trump. “And this country, if they choose her, this country will not be in good shape”. “She never let me back down from any challenge”. She aimed to draw on an idea that has driven her throughout her career, that all Americans should be given the chance to fulfill their potential, a campaign aide said.

“It’s a speech delivered from a fantasy universe, not the reality we live in today”, Trump said in a statement posted to social media. The difficulty for Hillary is that those who have come before her have also tried to tackle the same issue in building an economy that works for everyone. Clinton said she’s not here to take away guns. “They’re angry. He was angry”, Trump said.

“I thought it was very poignant that the president continued to talk about (how) we can not just vote at the presidential level”. Their objective: using four nights of prime-time television to present Americans a sharp contrast to Donald Trump’s apocalyptic view of a decaying nation besieged by enemies, immigrants and violent criminals. As Clinton herself said in her acceptance speech, “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”.


Clinton says America is great and can be greater.

Nancy Kaszerman  ZUMA