
Clinton to bash Trump at site of Atlantic City casino strike

“What he did here in Atlantic City is exactly what he’ll do if he wins in November”, Clinton warned Wednesday, the faded facade of Trump Plaza, a shuttered hotel formerly owned by the presumptive Republican nominee, just over her shoulder. In fact, two of his casinos’ three bankruptcies occurred in years when overall Atlantic City gambling revenue was rising.


Richard Zak, a bartender at the Taj for more than 25 years, questioned whether Clinton’s visit would help the striking workers. As Trump has gone on to become the Republican Party’s standard-bearer on the promise that he will secure the same type of success for the country as he did for himself, the stories of hardship from former workers and contractors have dented his image as a keen businessman.

“When Donald Trump was here, it was OK”, he said.

Even in the years when other Atlantic City casinos were growing, those carrying the Trump name weren’t.

In the coming weeks, Clinton’s campaign is expected to highlight “victims” of Trump’s business ventures, including contractors who went unpaid, replicating a strategy Democrats employed successfully against 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

Trump quickly pounced Tuesday on the FBI’ s decision.

The trend was consistent in the data, even when the results were filtered to include only white respondents to remove any impact that a different racial mix between Clinton and Trump supporters might play in the poll. “Go figure”, Clinton said at a rally in OH last month, a reference to Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Clinton’s remarks were part of a growing effort by her campaign to tear down Trump’s business reputation, which Democrats believe is overhyped and based more on his ability to attract publicity than actual private sector skills. “And that’s not Donald Trump”.

Throughout the campaign, Clinton has been dogged by her use of a personal email server during her years as the nation’s top diplomat.

Clinton says Trump once called his Trump Taj Mahal the “8th wonder of the world” but it filed for bankruptcy in 2009 and the new management canceled workers’ health insurance and pensions.

“Nobody understands the economy like I do and no one, especially not Crooked Hillary Clinton, will do more for the economy than I will”, he said.

She was introduced in Atlantic City by a retired vice president of a glass company who says Trump owed his company almost $500,000 for work that they did on one of his hotels.

Her attack on Trump’s business dealings comes as the Republican presidential nominee has blasted her integrity following an Federal Bureau of Investigation report that criticized her use of private email during her tenure as secretary of state.

“My faith in Hillary Clinton has always been rewarded”, he said.


Bernie Sanders is applauding Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for a “very bold initiative” to make higher education more affordable and says he hopes to find agreement with her on more issues before the Democratic National Convention. “I have had a front-row seat to her judgement”.

The Trump Plaza now closed is one of the casinos Donald Trump once owned