
Clinton to campaign with Obama in Green Bay

Obama and Clinton were rivals during the 2008 Democratic primary that Obama won.


“I am concerned about us doing the hard nuts-and-bolts work of turning out people to vote”, Obama said, “particularly young people, particularly low-income people who oftentimes feel forgotten and are still stressed”. “That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it”, asserted Mr. Obama in a pre-produced YouTube video filled with pictures and music.

“I look forward to meeting with her in the near future”, Sanders told reporters at the White House. I’ve seen her toughness. “I’ve seen her commitment to our values up close”, Obama said Thursday.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the president has talked to Sanders three times in the past week, and “Sen”. Sanders emerged from the meeting subdued and indicated he had gotten the message.

His endorsement came after meeting Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who has been battling Clinton for the nomination.

Mr Obama, whose approval rating has been at or above 50 per cent for most of the year, is an obvious choice to reconcile Mr Sanders and Mrs Clinton, whose primary contest became divisive and increasingly personal as the Vermont senator’s challenge grew.

He barely mentioned next Tuesday’s primary election in the city, the last on the Democratic primary calendar.

Several media outlets including The Boston Globe and WCVB reported Wednesday that Warren will endorse Clinton within the next two weeks.

“She’s got the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done”, he adds in the video, referencing Clinton’s stint as his Secretary of State.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed the nomination on Tuesday night.

Obama met with Democratic runner-up Sen. Sanders came prepared with his statement. The Sanders campaign is laying off staff members.

The discussions are extremely sensitive, given that few want to anger Sanders at this late juncture of the primary campaign. Ever the everyman, he started the day by stopping for a cup of coffee and a scone at the Peet’s coffee shop across from the White House, while dozens of reporters awaited his arrival. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Her name also has been floated as a potential vice presidential running mate for Clinton by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and others.

Sanders has long said he’ll compete until all voters have had their say. “I told him I was proud of him and what he accomplished”.

Though Sanders has shown signs he understands the end of his race is near – he was about to layoff off about half his team – he has vowed to keep fighting, stoking concern among party leaders eager for the primary race to conclude.

Speaking with Bloomberg news, Clinton reacted to gaining Obama’s support: “It just means so much to have a strong, substantive endorsement from the president. I’m fired up and ready to go!”

Obama has competition in courting Sanders supporters. “It’s unbelievable to me – and I say this with all sincerity – that the Republican Party would have a candidate for president who in the year 2016 makes bigotry and racism the cornerstone of his campaign”.


“Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary”, Trump said.

Elizabeth Warren portrait