
Clinton to make her own case tonight

“Hillary is judged by some because of her voice, the clothes she wears. Hillary! Hillary!” which recurred throughout her almost 40-minute address.


Bill Maher wasted no time weighing in on Hillary Clinton’s historic speech on Thursday, going live following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. She will aim to strike a stark contrast with Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Wall Street, corporations and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes, she said. “He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”. According to the tech company, online conversation during the last night of the Democratic National Convention was 22 percent less negative and 44 percent more positive than it was a week earlier when Trump spoke. “And he offered zero solutions”.

But some Sanders delegates don’t have much sympathy for Clinton. She painted America as being “in a moment of reckoning”. “I believe that with all my heart”, Clinton told the nation. “Your cause is my cause”. She touched on foreign policy, police brutality, women’s rights, gun control, education, the economy, and more outlining a way forward on a litany of issues.

Hillary Clinton has accepted the nomination for President of the United States.

Wait! There’s more Hillary Clinton at the DNC: What Did She Say?! It was a notable moment during a speech that went on to be less about partisan politics and more about fostering the values that America was founded upon. “Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart”.

“It truly is up to us”. We are clear-eyed about what our country is up against.

“We are not afraid”.

Ms Clinton also promised working on the unfinished economic agenda of the Obama Administration and added her own set of proposals to it. Accused of playing the women card? Several male Fox pundits and New York Times columnist David Brooks commented on the Democratic presidential nominee’s “annoying vocal inflection” and “combative manner”. “We will rise to the challenge, like we always do”, she said.

“Standing here as my mother’s daughter, and my daughter’s mother, I’m so happy this day has come”, Clinton said.


“We will strike their sanctuaries from the air, and support local forces taking them out on the ground”, she said. So let’s be stronger together. Given the turbulence and terrorism across the globe, she said Americans are “looking for steady leadership”. “He’s forgetting every last one of us…we say, we’ll fix it together”.

Hillary Clinton taking presidential campaign on the road after DNC