
Clinton to make White House pitch2:11

Clinton told the story of her grandfather who toiled in a factory in Scranton, Penn., for 50 years, her father who played football at Penn State before joining the Navy, and her mother, who was abandoned by her parents at a young age and whose school teacher shared her own lunch with her every day for a year.


She is the first woman nominee of a major United States party and told the convention that the achievement was special “for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between”. “Donald Trump, you are no Ronald Reagan”.

She acknowledged those concerns briefly, saying, “I get it that some people just don’t know what to make of me”.

“Some of you are frustrated, even furious”.

“It’s true”, she said. It’s not yet working the way it should. According to a new report from the Pew Research Center, 90 percent of people who consistently supported Sanders said they favored her over Trump in the election. “I believe the economy isn’t working the way it should because democracy isn’t working the way it should”.

Clinton was introduced by her daughter, Chelsea, who spoke warmly of her mother as a woman “driven by compassion, by faith, by kindness, a fierce sense of justice, and a heart full of love”.

With a chaotic Republican convention in Cleveland, and troubling remarks on Wednesday suggesting that Trump would be pleased if Russian cyber-spies hacked Hillary Clinton’s email account, Trump set the ball on the tee for Clinton.

Mrs Clinton said her presidential nomination was a milestone on America’s “march toward a more ideal union”. “We say: “‘We’ll fix it together”, said Clinton. I covered the Clintons in Arkansas, where I started my career, and at the White House, after Bill Clinton’s election brought me to the nation’s capital, and through the many scandals that hardened her shell and hardened people’s attitudes against her. But here she is-on the brink. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. Elections are state-based as much as they are national, and there is nothing stopping the Clinton campaign, buffeted by Obama and her other top surrogates, from running an inclusive campaign, while Democratic congressional candidates drape their opponents’ Trump endorsements around their necks.

Beyond that, Clinton counts on her belief that the public is looking for results and therefore a candidate who has real policy proposals, not sweeping promises.

Describing herself as someone who relishes diving into the details of policy, she noted, “It’s a big deal”.

“I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans and independents, for the struggling, the striving and the successful, for those who vote for me and those who don’t – for all Americans”, she said. She clearly enjoyed reciting the next line: “No, Donald, you don’t”. In Obama’s thinking, erasing Republican and conservative culpability for Trump might make more of them feel comfortable voting for Clinton or abstaining, where tarring Republicans as Trump’s forbearers would forge their bond of common enemy.

Vice President Joe Biden’s fiery rhetoric slammed Trump as someone who had “not a clue” about the middle class – or anything else.

For many, Clinton’s nomination goes far beyond politics.

Mrs Clinton told the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia that it also meant good schools for both rich and poor and safe communities.

A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons, Hillary said in a reference to Trump.

As she wrapped up, Clinton quoted Hamilton, said it was important to stand up to bullies, and called on voters to recognize that America doesn’t need to be made “great again”.


“In the end, it comes down to what Donald Trump doesn’t get”. “With her as our commander in chief, America will continue to lead”, he said.

Hillary Clinton arrives on stage to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia