
Clinton to pitch spending $350B on infrastructure on Sunday

Like O’Malley and Sanders, Clinton vowed to keep the nation safe from terrorists attacks while urging Democrats resist “the fear mongers who say we are at war with Islam”. “Well, I’ll tell you one thing”. “It is wrong, and we are not going to stand for it”.


As Walsh offered his endorsement to Clinton at the event, he called out to the union members in the room.

“In Congress and on the campaign trail, Republicans that claim they just hate big government are only too happy to have government step in when it comes to women’s bodies and heath”, Clinton said at the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner.

“It’s never been more clear”. A champion who just doesn’t talk the talk but backs it up with actions and gets the job done. Someone who makes everyone around them better. “To build a strong economy for our future, we must start by building strong infrastructure today”.

Of the total amount, $25 billion will be earmarked for an infrastructure bank. She also spoke about her granddaughter, saying that although the Clinton family will undoubtedly provide her with a great life, it’s a life that should be available to everyone.

Clinton has not been alone in calling for more infrastructure spending. “Not only understands, she supports unions”.

Orange-t-shirt clad LIUNA members turned out in force and dotted the audience in hardhats. The crowd was lively and cheered for numerous key points Clinton made. “We have an important vote impact”, said Scott Duhamel, the Assistant General President of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. I want our workers to be the most competitive and productive in the world.

Clinton also said that she wants all American households to have access to high-speed internet by 2020, and that it’s unacceptable that 35 percent of schools in the USA don’t have fiber optic connections. “Right now, the wealthy pay too little, and the middle class pays too much”, she said in the October Democratic debate. Walsh declared to cheers as they launched an initiative dubbed “Hard hats for Hillary”.

“People don’t look at her voting record”, he said. Her sit-downs with business leaders were not unique among recent secretaries of state, who sometimes summoned corporate executives to aid in worldwide affairs, documents show.


The bank would “support an additional $225 billion in direct loans, loan guarantees, and other forms of credit enhancement”, said the aide, bringing Clinton’s planned total investment up to $500 billion over a period of five years. Walsh endorsed Clinton on Sunday.

Hillary Rodham Clinton