
Clinton to portray Trump economic plans as handouts for rich

Trump’s odds of winning dropped among European bettors.


Calling on Republicans to cross party lines to support her, Hillary Clinton is warning that Donald Trump’s comments about Second Amendment supporters are just another example of how his words could have “tremendous consequences”.

“It is a textbook example of the kind of pay-to-play politics that the American people are exhausted of in Washington, C.C., and I promise you, when Donald Trump and I head to the White House this January, we’re going to put this pay-to-play special interest politics to an end, once and for all”, Pence said. “If she implemented all the things she said, I’d be ecstatic”.

With early voting set to begin next month in several states, time is running short for Trump to make a major change in his approach. As he did in the primaries, the billionaire continues to dismiss guidance from senior Republicans, in and out of his campaign.

Polls conducted right after the convention indicated a bounce for Clinton, placing her in the lead both nationally and in key battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.

According to the Financial Times, Trump and Clinton were on a level playing field as of late July.

Trump says the U.S. He has said he is unlikely to do so before the November 8 presidential election.

Clinton held a 48 percent to 40 percent advantage over Trump in the latest poll average compiled by Real Clear Politics.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton plans to outline a $125 billion economic and jobs plan that is expected to create 321,000 jobs in MI and 10.4 million across the country in a policy address Thursday at an old-line automotive supplier in Warren that has expanded into the aerospace industry.

Trump and his lawyers have said his returns are under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and that they reveal little.

He previously stirred criticism for engaging in a spat with the parents of a Muslim US soldier killed in Iraq.

Clinton’s speech at the Futuramic Tool and Engineering factory, which started as an automotive manufacturer but is now chiefly involved in the aerospace industry, wasn’t a new policy rollout as much as it was a rebuttal of the economic agenda Trump had rolled out three days before.

There are no big surprises from the demographic breakdown of the Rasmussen survey with women, African-Americans, young people and minorities supporting Clinton.

“And I would say, the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton”, he said. But I’ll tell you what: “that will be a awful day”.

Democrats pounced, immediately slamming Trump for seeming to suggest Clinton should be shot. Trump was quick to blame the media for that reaction, responding with a blunt “Give me a break!” At an Iowa rally Wednesday, Clinton said Trump’s remark was a “casual inciting of violence” that shows he’s unfit to be president.

Trump declined to do so.

Mr Trump said he believed that people who sit behind the candidate at rallies are close to the campaign.

The National Rifle Association, America’s largest pro-gun lobby, put forth that Trump was correct in saying it would be hard to protect the Second Amendment if Clinton appoints new justices. And while he is now lagging in polling, he remains competitive, despite having spent nothing on television ads.

But then Trump drew attention away from his message with his “Second Amendment” remarks.

“My eyebrows went up when he said he wanted to abolish the death tax, which would be about a $4 billion gift to him and his family”, Clinton said.


“I’m nearly at the point where I think I’m going to vote for Hillary”.

Trump's Plan for the Economy Does Almost Nothing For Working People, Helps Rich Get Richer