
Clinton to visit ground zero on 9/11 anniversary

Hillary Clinton said yesterday (Thursday) that Isil’s leaders were praying for Donald Trump to win the United States election.


Asked about Donald Trump’s comments that the Russian president is a stronger leader than Obama, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) rejected the comparison. “Matt Lauer asked so many questions about email, I thought I was stuck in line at the Genius Bar”, he joked.

Trump said he was “shocked” by what he heard at the briefings.

And it’s not letting up. But during a debate, a moderator has many things to consider: fairness, equal time, keeping the debate moving and not getting mired in minutiae.

Both of these beliefs stun and appall foreign policy experts in both parties, as readers of the Washington Post or the New York Times know. The comic, impersonating Russian leader Vladimir Putin, commended Lauer for his work at the forum.

The editorial board breathlessly praised Clinton’s performance, and her “firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country”.

Those who remain uncertain include a couple of groups that may play an outsized role in determining the election’s outcome – young voters, many of whom loathe Trump but lack enthusiasm for Clinton, and college-educated suburban Republicans, who often find Trump scary but struggle with the idea of voting for a Democrat. “And I opposed the reckless way Hillary Clinton took us out”.

But pressed by Bash on the difference between the two nation’s governments – namely that in the USA democracy presidents share power with Congress, Pence acknowledged that Trump was not advocating for a dictatorship. The poll showed Clinton leading among all registered voters, but trailing by 2 points among likely voters. They’re lashing out at each other. Lauer’s performance was not merely a failure, it was horrifying and shocking. And the reality transmitted to them from Lauer matches the reality of the polls, which is a world in which Clinton and Trump are equivalently flawed.

But, if Lauer wasn’t good with the Clinton interview, he was really very bad when handling Trump, letting him get away with “blatant lies”.

Former President Bill Clinton might want to keep the racism accusations to himself from now on – after ripping Donald Trump for a slogan he’s used repeatedly since his “Comeback Kid” days.

But we saw the disasters that ensue when journalists step in to help a particular candidate. CNN’s Candy Crowley infuriated Republicans during a 2012 presidential debate for contradicting a Mitt Romney statement – precisely what Lauer was criticized for not doing.

Republican opponents have no shortage of examples which they say demonstrate that it’s Clinton who expects deferential treatment.

Around 1 in 5 voters nationwide report themselves as undecided or flirting with third-party candidates, with the exact share depending on the poll and how the question is asked. If they’re now required to fact check candidates, there will be an even bigger problem.


Clinton also responded on Twitter, sharing footage of her press conference after the Commander-in-Chief Forum, and making a dig at Trump and the RNC, stating: “Last night Trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Putin”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump