
Clinton trains her gun at Donald Trump for his divisive rhetoric

US Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton are also scheduled to address the confab.


On the Democratic side, Clinton won the Florida and OH primaries and with a win in North Carolina completed her sweep of Southern states where she has enjoyed strong support from African-American voters.

While Trump’s loss in OH may work against him on his way to the 1,237 delegates, it still says something when after tonight, Trump would have won at least 18 of the 32 contests in the Republican race so far.

“I think we’ll win before getting to the convention”.

Without naming names, Trump said some Republican senators who are publicly critical of him have called privately to say they want to “become involved” in his campaign.

John Kasich scored his first win of the presidential nomination contest, grabbing all 66 delegates in the OH primary, in what could ultimately stall Donald Trump’s decisive dash to the nomination. She already has won Florida at 65 percent, IL at 51 percent, North Carolina at 55 percent and OH at 57 percent. Her win in OH was a particular relief for her campaign, which grew anxious after Sanders pulled off a surprising win last week in MI, another important Midwestern state. “Although we’re waiting for final results in IL and Missouri, we know we will add to our delegate lead to roughly 300 with over two million more votes nationwide”, she said. “We’re going to win, win, win and we’re not stopping”.

Trump said putting up a third-party candidate to block him would “guarantee” a Democratic win in November.

While there were only five states involved in Tuesday night’s elections, the evening clearly became a turning point for the presidential race on both sides of the aisle.

She unveiled a retooled message in her victory speech Tuesday that simultaneously rationalized her campaign against Sanders and foreshadowed a general election duel with Trump, as she stressed repeatedly she would create jobs as president and stand up for the middle class.

Hillary Clinton’s primary victories have dealt a severe blow to Bernie Sanders’ bid to slow her march toward the Democratic presidential nomination.

Shortly into his speech, a man wearing a hat which read “Make America Great Again” started yelling his support for Trump.

Clinton earned at least 175 delegates Tuesday. The Ted Cruz who won the second highest number of delegates is barely mentioned.

After another good night for Trump, some Republicans were struggling to come to grips with the prospect of him becoming the nominee and desperate to find long-shot ways to stop him. He chased “Little Marco” Rubio from the race.

As counting in the Missouri primary continues for the Republicans, CNN projected a tight race between Trump and Cruz.


Trump did, however, prevail in the biggest contest of the night, taking all off Florida’s 99 delegates. Based on the current total count including superdelegates, Sanders would need to win 61 percent of the remaining pledged delegates and uncommitted superdelegates to win the nomination. With 100% of the votes counted, Clinton led Sanders by about 1,500 votes and Trump led Cruz by about 1,600 votes.

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