
Clinton treated unfairly over illness: Obama

President Barack Obama making a point at an event for Democrat Hillary Clinton.


Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) conceded that it is fair to ask about Clinton’s health and question the campaign waiting to announce the diagnosis, but added that Trump’s campaign should be treated the same way. I felt overheated. I decided that I did need to leave.

When Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia late last week, she informed a handful of her closest advisers, but pressed on with a busy campaign schedule and did not inform the public that she was sick. While her top campaign aides conceded they were too slow in providing the public with information about Clinton’s condition, it was unclear how quickly they themselves had been informed by the candidate. On the other, Obama argued that the USA “cannot afford to act as if there’s some equivalence here” between the two candidates, saying Trump has tried to turn the campaign into a “reality show” and does not understand the magnitude of the position he’s seeking to hold. The president, who remains broadly popular among the Democratic base, is viewed as a key asset in pushing die-hard Democrats to the polls.

The president’s day job has kept him from being a campaign fixture.

Ms Clinton has also received criticism from the Trump campaign for her remark about the NY businessman’s appeal to hate groups, saying half of his supporters could be grouped in a “basket of deplorables”.

Pence also rejected accusations that Trump’s campaign was courting white supremacists including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who has endorsed Trump.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” it read.

On Tuesday, Trump again hammered Clinton over the remark in a post on Facebook: “What a disgraceful thing to say about fellow- hard working Americans!” He claimed successes on diplomacy, health care, winding down the war in Afghanistan and reviving economy, which showed new strength Tuesday in a Census report documenting a jump in household incomes in 2015. “We can’t afford to act as if there’s some equivalence here”, Obama said.

Obama is scheduled to appear on Tuesday without the candidate herself. “I think that she can take a break, she should take a break”.

Clinton’s campaign was already on the defensive after she used the term “basket of deplorables” to describe half of Trump’s supporters. “I have to do business with Putin”, Obama said.

Clinton has been resting at her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday evening, Clinton said she was feeling “so much better” but admitted that “I should have gotten some rest sooner”.

A majority of likely voters in Virginia, 54 percent, say they’d rather have four more years of President Obama in office, compared with 41 percent who would want Trump.


With less than two months to go in the presidential campaign, Americans are right to wonder: Have we ever had two less trustworthy candidates to be the most powerful person in the world? It was formulated with the aid of Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, an influential voice in his campaign.

Clinton cancels California trip after health scare: campaign